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After Upgrading to Vanilla 3.2 (HTTP ERROR 500)



  • R_JR_J Admin
    edited October 2019

    Okay, I'm done.

    Sorry, not fair... Let's simply start it all over again:

  • Hi,

    I disabled the plugin one by one and check the site but no change have been found still I get HTTP ERROR 500 in all case

    Now I r enabled them all....

    Can anyone give a FTP Support for this issue, this issue is persisting for about one month now.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    Disable all then enable one by one not disable>enable one by one.

    This is intended to rule out conflicting plugins (either conflicting plugin<>plugin, plugin<>Vanilla or plugin<>server).

    The suggestion to install a clean version on a secondary test domain is intended to rule out configuration conflict (Vanilla or server).

    At the same time you would test with another database, ruling that out.

    If you could tell us your hosting provider maybe we could point you to an article about setting up a test domain.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    The lowest priced plan have 2 sub-domains included.

    Did not find any "specs" of the free hosting plan so it may or may not include sub-domain(s).

    Create a new domain > sub-domain

    Then make a clean/new/fresh Vanilla forums install in that sub-domain.

    Make no changes to setup, add no plugins.

    Visit your new test forum - do you still get the error?

    Additional info

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭

    You can ofc, if included in your plan, make a seperate domain.

    There can be a delay before a domain/sub-domain becomes available after creating it.

  • Hi,

    I have installed a clean test install of vanilla forums and it has installed correctly. All utility/update and utility/structure executed properly with no issue.

    Check the test site :

    So now how I can fix the issue on my main forum site it is still giving HTTP ERROR 500

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭
    edited October 2019

    Now as a test:

    In conf/config.php in your new test forum change the database info to that of your live forum.

    OBS! Save the test database info, we might need it later.

    If error comes back issue should be in the database

    If not:

    Copy your live forum to your test forum folder.

    Assumingly you will now see the error.

    Disable your plugins

    Report back here with result.

  • First I changed the database name to my live forum and the test worked with no problem.

    Then I uploaded the live forum files to test forum . It worked without HTTP ERROR 500. But the site features and theme appear distorted.

    and now utility/update and utility/structure is leading to Something has gone wrong.

    So now how it could solve my live forum issues

  • When you are troubleshooting, you should do things step by step.

    Get back to a working, functioning, basic forum.

    Satisfy yourself that everything is working as you expect (at the least, ensure you are not experiencing any of the previous errors.)

    Enable the theme your live site uses. If your live site theme has custom changes, FIRST use the theme as supplied by Vanilla, then copy over the custom changes - again, ideally, one at a time.

    If your theme then works as you expect, move over, and enable your live site plugins -ONE BY ONE - checking each time for the errors that you have previously reported.

  • KasparKaspar ✭✭✭
    edited October 2019

    You should not have run utility/update and utility/structure - you now need to do an extra setup.

    You have seen that a clean Vanilla install and a new database throw no error.

    You have seen that a clean install works with your database.

    Issue is in your install, not in a Vanilla Forum as it is delivered - so it is a plugin or config/change in your specific install.

    1. In test forum (with the live forum files in it) - in conf/config.php - now set the database to the database of the inital test-setup. (The dataabse info I said you should save. This will let you test the troubled forum install against a clean database).

    Assumingly it works without error.

    Then run utility/update and utility/structure

    Assumingly you then get the error again - so you now know your install causes the issues on a clean database aswell.

    2. Clear/remove test install and test database.

    3. Make a new test install(and database).

    4. Take note of the database info in conf/config.php

    5. Copy over install/files from your live forum

    6. Change database info in test install > conf/config.php to the new test database.

    7. DO NOT run utility/update or utility/structure (that would just cause the issue again without letting you learn anything about what may be causing it).

    8. DISABLE ALL plugins - in/via /dashboard/settings/plugins

    9. DISABLE ALL applications EXCEPT Conversations - in/via /dashboard/settings/applications

    10. clear /cache

    11. Open forum, navigate to a thread/profile then open dashboard

    12. IF no error shows - then and ONLY then run utility/update and utility/structure

    13. If an error shows, then enable debugging

    $Configuration['Debug'] = true;

    in concf/config.php to get full error message - post back with error message

    14. IF no error shows - then enable ONE plugin, test - then the next(ONE) plugin, test - untill error shows.

    Which plugin do the error appear with ?

  • This is very long procedure and I don't have time for it as I am at work ... Can any one give FTP or admin support and correct the issue.

  • Should I go ahead and try vanilla 3.3 o my live forum.

  • Is your live forum working how you want it to/expect it to?

  • I thought that just update and it will start working but previous update is still giving HTTP Error 500 to this date.

  • whu606whu606 MVP
    edited October 2019

    You have been told now several times that Error 500 is a server error, not a Vanilla error.

    People have gone to a lot of trouble to offer you suggestions as to how to resolve the issue, but you are not following those suggestions.

    To summarise:

    Make a clean install (of 3.3 if you like.)

    Check that the install is working properly with the default theme.

    Link the new install to a copy of your live DB

    Check for errors.

    Enable your current site theme.

    Check for errors.

    If it is still working, enable the plugins used on your site one by one on the clean install.

    After enabling one plugin, check for errors.

    Rinse and repeat.

  • I don't have time to do it I am working in an MNC 12 hours straight.

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