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  • phreakphreak MVP
    edited December 2019

    Mmh, the Transifex Links are broken on all locales in the addon repository. @charrondev @Linc

    The carrot could certainly not contribute to the language file.

    @caroot: In your /locales/ folder you can add missing translations. Share them here or on GitHub if possible.

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  • Correct link to Transifex with Ukrainian language

    Here is some updated files from Transifex

    These files much newer than 2018.11.19p1011

    I don't have much time to translate every untranslated strings. But in future I'll make it.

  • The Latest (2020.01.03) Ukrainian translation, ready to install:

  • Update (31.05.2020)

  • Added some minor changes

  • LincLinc Admin

    It's been 15-18 months since any locale downloads have been updated from Transifex. I believe the only person with both access and the tooling set up to do this is Todd. Unfortunately, summarizing that info for you is the only assistance I can give here.

    Thanks for completing those translations and distributing them, @caroot.

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