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Vanilla 4.0 RC1 is now available

initvectorinitvector Vanilla Staff

It's been a while, so let's get right to it: today marks the availability of Vanilla 4.0 RC1.

There are more than 900 fixes and features in this release. For now, I won't attempt to list them all here. If you're dying to know, you can checkout the current change log over on GitHub: Vanilla 4.0 RC1 change log. You may also download a built copy of Vanilla from that page (ProTip: search for "vanilla-4.0-rc1.zip", under Assets). For now, I'll hit some key points:

  1. This is an RC (release candidate). It is not intended for use in production environments. It is pre-release software. Install it in some kind of sandbox and go nuts, but avoid overwriting your existing Vanilla installs. Once we're confident in Vanilla 4.0 on open-source community sites, we'll drop a production-ready release. Future updates probably won't need an RC cycle, but given the length of time since the last release, it seems prudent.
  2. Vanilla 4.0 requires at least PHP 7.2. It's also the last version that'll support PHP 7.2. Future versions of Vanilla (5.0+) will require PHP 7.4+.
  3. MySQL 5.7+ is required, starting with Vanilla 4.0.
  4. Full-text indexes have been disabled by default. You can enable them by adding a Database.FullTextIndexing key to your config and setting it to true. Failure to do this before upgrading to Vanilla 4.0 will result in your full-text database indexes being dropped.
  5. The Reactions addon has made its way to the open-source project.



  • K17K17 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    Hi 😁

    I'm currently holding to my butt ! Can't wait to get the production release 😋

    Let's try it out on my localhost yet.

    Thanks for the work !


    Definitly not for production use 😂

    EDIT 2:

    Solved by disabling Rich Editor ^^'

  • ianw5555ianw5555
    edited January 2021

    Big improvements to SEO with title tags and canonical tags displaying as they should unlike 3.3

    Not sure about the meta description appearing twice on the homepage though. The title is there twice as well.

    Also it would not install with my first choice of database password that included a '&' permission denied (tried 3 times) but installed ok with a simpler password

  • I can't believe no one is celebrating this:

    The Reactions addon has made its way to the open-source project.

    I will quickly install that RC just to finally see the Reactions plugin! 😀

  • I would appreciate your analysis of 4.0RC1 if you got inspiration and Time, @R_J 😘🤘

    Especially about our beloved Rich Editor... 😅

  • Actually no time at all, I thought, but nevertheless I did a quick install. It was a clean install so not very useful for those who will have to update. It went smoothly.

    In general,

    • if you have a backup and
    • if it is okay for you if you have a little downtime and
    • if you do not have too fancy plugins installed

    you could really simply try it out. Even if you face small problems later on that you haven't noticed before, I'd say that using a version that much newer and with a lot of bug fixed would be worth accepting some other bugs (if any)

    But I will try an update, too. Based on my lack of time, I assume numerous people will be faster than me.

    It would be great if you share your update experiences, guys!

    The rich editor here in this forum is either some steps ahead or exactly the same version like the one coming with Vanilla OS. And I think I made my opinion about the usability of the editor used here very clear, already. 😉 So, why even considering testing it "at home" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    By the way: my first impression has been that it comes with far more plugins than the last version.

    And the old themes aren't included any more, so you should keep an eye on that if you start testing.

  • Guys, I'm super excited to see this. Thanks for all the efforts have been done by all contributors.

    May I ask a bit more about the Reaction addon? Does it refer to the YAGA plugin or something to do with this page?

    Thanks in advance. Looking forward to more in the future. I'll keep sending my support here!

  • K17K17 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    @Kun YAGA is a community project, currently maintained by @Bleistivt ^^

    "Reactions" in 4.0 are made by the Vanilla team, and was closed source (only available for Cloud clinets) until 4.0rc1 ^^

    As I see it, if you want Reactioins only now, it would be a little bit overkill to use YAGA, as it features a lot more that just Reactions. But if you want to use a complete gamification system, YAGA may be the option.

  • Thank you @K17 ! I will definitely look into both of them!

  • How do we switch from version 3.3 to version 4.1?

  • How do we switch from version 3.3 to version 4.1?

    You just upgrade in the normal way.

    Remember though this is RC1 version for developers to test and not for production forums, you will need to wait for the stable version to be released for that.

  • I noticed that PHP 8.0 will not work with RC1 just a blank screen but works ok again when switched back to PHP 7.4. Will PHP 8.0 work on the final release?

  • Hi @initvector, are the following on the long-term roadmap somewhere:

    • containerization
    • NoSQL database support?


  • @Csabbencs I'm not spreaking for Vanilla, but there is an official docker image:

    As for NoSQL: Vanilla has only ever supported MySQL and a NoSQL database does not really make sense for a forum. For a cache, it comes with memcached support.

  • Not available in Softaculous yet, when will it be?

  • KasparKaspar Moderator

    That is not something Vanilla Forums (company or OSS) have controll over.

    There is a 'Report new version" in Softaculous.

    Same place you upgrade or initially install Vanilla - in your control panel.

  • CirphrankCirphrank New
    edited February 2021

    Nothing like that. Nothing like 'report new version' here, just doublechecked.

  • KasparKaspar Moderator

    Over 2 years since I used softaculous, so details are fuzzy.

    There is a report/let us know function, my memory is just fuzzy about where.

    That little box next to the version number?

    Not where the arrow points. Upper left part, next to 4.9.8.

    also 4.0 is RC1

    RC = Release Candidate

    I would not expect it to be added.

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