Any Plugin with feature similar thread ??

is there a plugin for a similar thread? so this feature is displayed on the right sidebar so that members can see other discussions



  • There's DiscussionTopic which does exactly that according to the description. Not sure how well it works with 3.3, since I haven't tried it myself. Sphinxsearch also has a similar topics feature that I know works, since I just tried it out the other day in a different discussion.

  • discussion topic not working for me i tried last month or i cant install correctly maybe?

    im using vanilla version 3.2

  • Just tried it on my test forum. Didn't work for me either, so probably needs a little work for 3.x.

  • After installing the sphinx I am stuck in the "Full Text of the contents of the sphinx.conf *"what should I enter in this textbox?

  • pitkmipitkmi
    edited February 2021

    It's been a while since I ran the installation, but maybe copy the contents of etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf in there?

    [Edit]; Here's the relevant bit from the docs:

    6. Navigate to your Vanilla Forums admin panel and enable the plugin. If it doesn't show up, try deleting the cache at: htdocs/cache/addon.php

    7. Launch the install wizard from within the plugin's settings view

    8. Follow the install steps. You will need to copy and paste your default installed sphinx.conf into the installer.

    9. Paste your new configuration file into your original sphinx.conf file

    So, paste tthe default sphinx.confinto the install wizard, let it do its thing and then paste the resulting config into etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf

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