Forum stats not showing on the dashboard



  • @Andrew Thank you so much! It's working :)

  • Hi @Andrew,

    I'm getting this since Jan 26th, was there any changes?

    I also noticed that I'm getting the message "Problem with credentials" in the API and nothing changes when I try to Re-Register the API key.

    Thank you

  • AndrewAndrew Vanilla Staff

    There may have been a change made to analytics around that date. Specifically, Vanilla Stats in the Dashboard is completely flat? Can you message me a screenshot of what you're seeing (or post it here if you're comfortable with that)?

    Thank you!

  • Hi @Andrew,

    Thank you for you reply, here goes the screenshot, all flat from Jan 26th, for all metrics. This is happening in more than one environment, all from the same date.

    Let me know if you need more info. From my end, I checked the request to the API and it returns 0 after Jan 26th, if I ask for older info, it returns correctly.

  • AndrewAndrew Vanilla Staff

    Hey @FilipePinto ,

    Thanks for the extra information here. There was a change made around Analytics APIs that went live around that date - I'll bring this up with our engineering team on Monday.

  • AndrewAndrew Vanilla Staff

    @FilipePinto ,

    When you get a chance, can you check your analytics and let me know if data is showing up now? We've made an adjustment that may resolve the problem for everyone.

  • Hi @Andrew,

    Was there any changes on this? I'm getting the same error as before, since Jan 18th.

    This is happening in all 3 platforms I'm managing, can you take a look into it please?

    Thank you.

  • Just chiming in her to report I see the same thing, stats stopped on January 18th.

  • Just reporting another case of seeing this happening. 4 page views and 1 discussion on January 18, nothing since.

  • Hi @Andrew,

    quick reminder to check this thread.

    Thank you

  • The same thing happens to me and I don't know how to fix it :(

  • AndrewAndrew Vanilla Staff

    Hey all, I appreciate your patience on this while I was investigating what happened and how to resolve the problem.

    To rip the band-aid off, the Vanilla Statistics service has been shut off, which means it will no longer be processing analytic data at all. There are a few reasons for this, the biggest of which is the move to 'Advanced Analytics' for all Vanilla Cloud clients has made maintaining the older 'Vanilla Statistics' service a costly one and Higher Logic needed to make a business decision.

    The move here will be to investigate other 3rd party analytic services to leverage against your Vanilla community. While Vanilla Statistics was free and convenient, it was also very lacking in features and there were no plans to develop it further. Almost any other service you try to implement will be more powerful and give you access to a lot more data.

    The team dropped the ball about this as far as communication goes, and I apologize for that. Going forward, I'll do my best to advocate internally within Higher Logic for the Vanilla OSS community to prevent loss of this type of functionality in the future or to at least give notice so everyone has time to find alternative solutions.

    Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions here!


  • Definitely disappointing news that stats will no longer function.

    Does anyone have an alternative?

  • Thank you for the reply @Andrew.

  • @Andrew Thanks for the information. It's not the answer that we were looking for, but I appreciate the honesty.

    Please continue to communicate with the wider OOS community.

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