When is the next Vanilla OSS release?

I see source files for up to version 2021.025 available on GitHub but when will we get a new fully built OSS package. The latest pre-built version is 2021.012 from June 15, 2021. Or failing, that how about providing some instructions on how to build our own installable package from the GibHub source files. Any attempts I've made to build fail with incompatabilities due to "metasyntactical/composer-plugin-license-check":^0.5.0",
I too would love to see some instructions about how to build from source – I also gave it a crack but hit the same wall as @DougRz
Keen to get our forums up to date, as the password reset facility has been broken for ages now since "upgrading" to 3.3 and I'm wearying of fielding support requests for it. And 2012.012 never worked properly for me.
More than happy to pay for Vanilla (it's a great product), but I need to retain the flexibility and control of self-hosting.
@DougRz If I were troubleshooting that build error, the first thing I would try is editing composer.json to change that line to
"metasyntactical/composer-plugin-license-check": "*",
(changing the version requirement to an asterisk, basically). Pretty slim odds that'll be the only problem but since I had an inkling I thought I'd drop it here in case someone intrepid wanted to continue that battle. Personally I think you're gonna need someone internal to Higher Logic to fix the tooling since the repo is essentially private at this point, and I'm not convinced that's high on anyone's to-do list.I've tried it some weeks ago and I do not recall if I had troubles, but i had built it successfully: https://open.vanillaforums.com/discussion/comment/264109#Comment_264109
The instructions on what do are short, but they are here: https://github.com/vanilla/vanilla#building-releases
There certainly is no explanation on how to install composer, phing or any other of those tools. You can find those instructions anywhere in the net. I wouldn't even try to run those tools from a command line in Windows, by the way. If you are stuck with a Windows machine, search the net for WSL, the subsystem for Linux. This will allow you to "install" e.g. debian inside your Windows and run those tools from a Linux command line.
Okay, even with composer update --ignore-platform-reqs there's no chance to build it without changing the composer.json:
I am doing it but ./bin/release says:
Cloning into 'vanilla'...
warning: Cloud not find remote branch u to clone.
fatal. Remote Branch u not found in upstream origin
Failed to clone branch u
What am I doing wrong?
I think I am failing when it ask "What version name do you want to use?" and "What branch would you like to build from? This command works for all vanilla versions after 2.8+2019.003"
I put "Vanilla" at first and "C:\xampp\htdocs\" at second.