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Vanilla version 2021.009 is the latest stable release as of now

Please ignore all the buggy releases after Vanilla 2021.009.
It's important to note the difference between "release" and "version" here: while you might be able to build a completely fine running forum from the sources on GitHub if you are a developer, there hasn't been any release which wasn't usable out of the box since release 2021.009.
I've compiled a 2021.025 version and if you like to give that a try and report your experiences back, we might recommend that until a new release will be published officially.
I don't believe you'll ever see another pre-built copy of Vanilla distributed by the company. I'd love to be wrong, I just don't see it happening, knowing what I do about internal politics there.
I do expect to continue seeing automated unbuilt "releases" like you see on GitHub currently, because those are serving some of their enterprise customers via the Docker installation.
I'm willing to answer questions for any senior members here that want to build, vet, and update the latest version in the addon directory. Unfortunately I'm not willing to lead that process myself any longer. I kept those releases going by my own force of will for more than 5 years and I'm tapped out.
Thank you for the package RJ. It seems to work great for me, couldn't find anything not working so far. If I do find anything later I'll write it here.
Hi, in what category should I raise a question about 2021.009 version issues?
I'll try 025 version.
012 down after update to php7.4
025, php7.4
Install ok!
I'll update 012 to 025, need to compare the database structure files without upgrade scripts or documents.
I tried 2021.025 on my forum in production (i'm silly).
I updated my 2021.012 version and i had only a php warning.
version.json file is missing in root directory, so the assets in source code of each page look like
<script src="/discussions/js/library/jquery.js?v=unknown" static="1" defer="defer"></script>
and in the dashboard bottom right, i had version: unknown
Forum works fine but i want to correct this, so, I upload on my website a version.json file with this (found in the vanilla github repo, i changed only 2022.006 to 2021.025)
now everythings seems ok. I will check my logs to see if i have others errors.
I tried to pass to PHP8 but had a 500 error. I have to check what is failing.
Thank you @R_J and others for your work for this community
About 1 year ago, the dashboard showed that the 2011.011 rel was ready for install and I did because of some security issue affecting the old rel. running the forum, but then, still having some new important errors that were never fixed.
I ask why to suggest for a untested release as official announce in the dashborad?
Having this bad experience, to downgrade to the 2011.09 scare me at the point to don't want to do that! Why they don't have a quality's check and test staff, causing to have forums so badly builted around?
Humm i think vanilla open source is dead.
I'm waiting a @Linc nitro porter more stable version to migrate to flarum or other forum software....
I will announce it far and wide when it is. I'm in a similar boat, so rest assured it will get completed. Currently working on reverse-engineering the custom Quill parsing used on this rich text editor so content comes thru fully intact (to the extent the software is compatible). The initial release will only add Flarum as an output (in addition to Vanilla) but I do intend to add others and planned ahead for it.
Humm i think vanilla open source is dead.
That's unfortunate. I liked it, but been wondering if it's dying too. Some official statement on the matter would be great.
Atm I dread announcing this to the others in our community since we moved to Vanilla not too long ago.
Thank you Linc for making a porter. This porter will make it possible to migrate a Vanilla forum to another software?
I compiled 2022.007 if anyone is interested. Running OK in my environment so far. I hard coded the version in the environment.php rather thn use a version file like pioc34 did. Update script is failing - need to look into why, perhap the DB update script can be run seperately from phpmyadmin. Will report my findings
Sir, which version should I use?
> https://open.vanillaforums.com/get/vanilla-core-2021.009
Thank you Linc for all of your dedicated efforts. Unfortunately it seems your predictions were true.
Ah... its a shame.... 😥😥😥 I loved Vanilla.... 😥😥
So do we have to (and how to) move to another Forum Software? I think not porting will be a security risk at some point of time....
What are the possibilitys for porting Vanilla to another Forum for example NodeBB, or others with porting all the Data?
Thanks for any Suggestion
"Prebuilt" not "not at all available"
Yes... but you know, @Kaspar... if you complicate the entry level, the Forum will not flourish no more... just my 2 cents... 😥
What are the possibilitys for porting Vanilla to another Forum for example NodeBB, or others with porting all the Data?
I'm working on a generic forum migration tool that will support Vanilla to Flarum in the first release this summer and more options as time goes on.
My issues with running utility/update were caused by the update utility not being able to rename the column
in the table`GDN_Permission
` - which an old upgrade step from 2.x as I understand it. Once I deleted the oldPlugins.Tagging.Add
column I was able to go to utility/structure and run the scan there and manually run the SQL commands to add more tables for the new version to use. This got rid of the errors I was having creating new discussions.Run all the insert SQL commands first.
I'm using this newest version, trying to embed into my website
I do not see the embed them in my themes area
I do see it in my filemanager themes folder as Embedfriendly
Is there somthing else I need to set in order to see this?
BTW, this was installed via softaculous