Lost access to dashboard after upgrade from 2.6 to 2021.012

I love Vanilla Forum and am grateful to its community for sharing with all!
I just upgraded from 2.6 to 2021.012 and only have partial success. I can login and see the front-end, but I cannot access the dashboard: Fatal Error in Webmozart\Assert\Assert.reportInvalidArgument(); The error occurred on or near: [my url]/vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php
2038: * @psalm-pure this method is not supposed to perform side-effects 2039: */ 2040: protected static function reportInvalidArgument($message) 2041: { 2042: throw new InvalidArgumentException($message); 2043: } 2044: 2045: private function __construct() 2046: {
Can't run [my url]/utility/update either. Fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn(); The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php
149: } 150: 151: // Make sure the new column name isn't already taken 152: if ($oldColumn && $newColumn) { 153: throw new Exception(sprintf(t('You cannot rename the `%1$s` column to `%2$s` because that column already exists.'), $oldName, $newName)); 154: } 155: 156: // Rename the column 157: // The syntax for renaming a column is:
Does anybody have an idea or suggestion on how to fix this?
Well, I was a little fast in posting.
I cleared /cache as I tried a few things, and now have the following challenges:
#1 Can't run [my url]/utility/update. Fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn(); You cannot rename the `Plugins.Tagging.Add` column to `Vanilla.Tagging.Add` because that column already exists.
The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php
#2 I only have partial access to the dashboard. Can't access [my url]/vanilla/settings/categories for example. Page Not Found. Debug Trace Info Could not find file 'custom_default.css' in folder ''.
#3 Same thing for [my url]/vanilla/settings/posting
#4 [my url]/dashboard/settings/layout returns almost a blank page (nothing in the content section)
Everything else seems to be working normally.
Does anybody have an idea or suggestion on how to fix this?
Disable all plugins by editing the config file and retry. You should use 2021.009 instead of 012
Thank you for your prompt reply! I did as you recommended + downgraded to 2021.009 and that did it.
Almost everything works now. The only page I do not have access to is [my url]/dashboard/settings/layout - The top menu and left column show, but the main content does not load.
I can certainly live without, and just in case would you know how to get it to show again?
You shine.
Sorry, I have no idea. You can take a look at the developer console for any strange errors. If you have some custom css it could be the reason for the problem, too. But as you might have notice, I do not hav a clue what the reason behind that misbehaviour might be.
:-( Spoke too fast. I cannot edit nor add categories. Any suggestion on how to fix this? Thanks!
Fatal Error in PHP.gdn_ErrorHandler();
Unknown column 'Featured' in 'where clause'
The error occurred on or near: [my site]/library/database/class.database.php
Did you have run /utility/update already?
Running /utility/update results in a systematic fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn();
You cannot rename the `Plugins.Tagging.Add` column to `Vanilla.Tagging.Add` because that column already exists. The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php
I deleted all cache. No plugins are enabled. Can't get past that fatal error and am not sure what to do next. Any idea? Thanks!
Okay, the first thing I would do is to make a database backup.
After that I would simply delete the column Plugins.Tagging.Add from the table GDN_Permission.
Tagging has been moved from a plugin to an inbuilt feature. So after you have managed to have a running forum again and you re-enable tagging, you should check the permissions for your user groups.
That fixed it. Thank you much for your help!