Lost access to dashboard after upgrade from 2.6 to 2021.012


I love Vanilla Forum and am grateful to its community for sharing with all!

I just upgraded from 2.6 to 2021.012 and only have partial success. I can login and see the front-end, but I cannot access the dashboard: Fatal Error in Webmozart\Assert\Assert.reportInvalidArgument(); The error occurred on or near: [my url]/vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php

2038:      * @psalm-pure this method is not supposed to perform side-effects
2039:      */
2040:     protected static function reportInvalidArgument($message)
2041:     {
2042:         throw new InvalidArgumentException($message);
2043:     }
2045:     private function __construct()
2046:     {

Can't run [my url]/utility/update either. Fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn(); The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php

149:         }
151:         // Make sure the new column name isn't already taken
152:         if ($oldColumn && $newColumn) {
153:             throw new Exception(sprintf(t('You cannot rename the `%1$s` column to `%2$s` because that column already exists.'), $oldName, $newName));
154:         }
156:         // Rename the column
157:         // The syntax for renaming a column is:

Does anybody have an idea or suggestion on how to fix this?



  • New
    edited March 2022

    Well, I was a little fast in posting.

    I cleared /cache as I tried a few things, and now have the following challenges:

    #1 Can't run [my url]/utility/update. Fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn(); You cannot rename the `Plugins.Tagging.Add` column to `Vanilla.Tagging.Add` because that column already exists.

    The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php

    149:         }
    151:         // Make sure the new column name isn't already taken
    152:         if ($oldColumn && $newColumn) {
    153:             throw new Exception(sprintf(t('You cannot rename the `%1$s` column to `%2$s` because that column already exists.'), $oldName, $newName));
    154:         }
    156:         // Rename the column
    157:         // The syntax for renaming a column is:

    #2 I only have partial access to the dashboard. Can't access [my url]/vanilla/settings/categories for example. Page Not Found. Debug Trace Info Could not find file 'custom_default.css' in folder ''.

    #3 Same thing for [my url]/vanilla/settings/posting

    #4 [my url]/dashboard/settings/layout returns almost a blank page (nothing in the content section)

    Everything else seems to be working normally.

    Does anybody have an idea or suggestion on how to fix this?


  • Admin

    Disable all plugins by editing the config file and retry. You should use 2021.009 instead of 012

  • Thank you for your prompt reply! I did as you recommended + downgraded to 2021.009 and that did it.

    Almost everything works now. The only page I do not have access to is [my url]/dashboard/settings/layout - The top menu and left column show, but the main content does not load.

    I can certainly live without, and just in case would you know how to get it to show again?

    You shine.

  • Admin

    Sorry, I have no idea. You can take a look at the developer console for any strange errors. If you have some custom css it could be the reason for the problem, too. But as you might have notice, I do not hav a clue what the reason behind that misbehaviour might be.

  • :-( Spoke too fast. I cannot edit nor add categories. Any suggestion on how to fix this? Thanks!

    Fatal Error in PHP.gdn_ErrorHandler();

    Unknown column 'Featured' in 'where clause'

    The error occurred on or near: [my site]/library/database/class.database.php

    513:                     if (!$message) {
    514:                         $message = $ex->getMessage();
    515:                     }
    517:                     trigger_error($message, E_USER_ERROR);
    518:                 }
    519:             }
    521:             if ($pDOStatement instanceof PDOStatement) {

  • Admin

    Did you have run /utility/update already?

  • Running /utility/update results in a systematic fatal Error in Gdn_MySQLStructure.renameColumn();

    You cannot rename the `Plugins.Tagging.Add` column to `Vanilla.Tagging.Add` because that column already exists. The error occurred on or near: [my url]/library/database/class.mysqlstructure.php

    149:         }
    151:         // Make sure the new column name isn't already taken
    152:         if ($oldColumn && $newColumn) {
    153:             throw new Exception(sprintf(t('You cannot rename the `%1$s` column to `%2$s` because that column already exists.'), $oldName, $newName));
    154:         }
    156:         // Rename the column
    157:         // The syntax for renaming a column is:

    I deleted all cache. No plugins are enabled. Can't get past that fatal error and am not sure what to do next. Any idea? Thanks!

  • Admin

    Okay, the first thing I would do is to make a database backup.

    After that I would simply delete the column Plugins.Tagging.Add from the table GDN_Permission.

    Tagging has been moved from a plugin to an inbuilt feature. So after you have managed to have a running forum again and you re-enable tagging, you should check the permissions for your user groups.

  • That fixed it. Thank you much for your help!

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