Ready to move to Flarum? I might be able to help



  • Don't worry mate, take the time that is necessary, it is already very big what is achieve with the application in the actual state, if I find more problems I will keep reporting it in the github.

     And seriously, thank you very much for the tool and the time you are dedicating to it.

  • LincLinc Admin
    edited May 2023

    OK, I'm pretty close to a solution on this finally.

    There's actually at least 3 separate problems:

    • The new formatter really hates unclosed HTML tags (like `<img>` and `<br>`)
    • The new Markdown formatter doesn't like HTML entities by default
    • The new Markdown formatter doesn't allow h1-h6 tags

    I've worked around this with a hack for the first issue and rebuilding the Fatdown bundle in s9e/textformatter with support for HTML headings and entities.

    However there's still an unresolved <div> tag in the earlier example post I've been using to evaluate this so I feel like there's still a fourth one. But I just wanted to say I hadn't lost the plot on this entirely and the next iteration of Porter will fix at least most of the problems.

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