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How about a wiki?

edited July 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How about having a wiki for documentation?

I'm sure there's people here willing to add to it, just as soon as they know what they're doing (ie. me).

Being a bit of a wordpress whore, I gotta say I love the codex that they have. I just figure a wiki with multiple peple chipping in would make things easier for mark to concentrate on coding.


  • Yeah, and using Wordpress (or any other blog tool) to present documentation isn't really a user-friendly approach. I think something like the Wordpress codex would be a great idea.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited July 2005
    I tried out 18 different open-source wikis before I decided that there aren't any decent wikis out there right now. None of them allowed me to style the thing the way I wanted, and they all had retarded features that I would never use (or want my users to use) repeated on every single page. Just because it's a wiki doesn't mean it has to look stupid. So, I decided that I wasn't going to use wiki software for the documentation until someone can point me in the direction of one that doesn't look and act retarded - or until I can program one the way they should be programmed. Sorry - this has been a very sore spot for me. Wordpress was my last resort, and I'm not happy with wordpress at all either.
  • DIY WIKI! :D
  • God this guy is getting slack, he cant even be arsed coding his own wiki now? Anyone would think he'd spent the last 10 months making this shitpiece.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
  • haha mini, you missed the sarcasm there. If I could, I would write my own wiki just for him. Who knows, maybe one day I will! but we might all be dead by then.
  • i was talking about mark...
  • I would love to make you one, but my personal experiments with php don't venture much farther than echo "Hello World"
  • I've written my own wiki before. in php no less. And it's very hacked together, but it doesn't look like ass. I'm betting that with a little work, and a little love, and a lot of bashing your head against the wall, it could be what you're looking for. *does jedi move* or not.. heh. It started out as a project to create a css based wiki that was mysql independent. And it got far enough to support my purposes. I'd gladly toss the code (do some comenting and toss it up) if someone wanted to fiddle with it.
  • Mark, have you looked at MediaWiki? It runs Wikipedia.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    ramsey - that's probably what I'm going to end up using. But I still think that application isn't the greatest. It's a program for programmers. Vanilla users would look at that site and close their browser.
  • edited July 2005
    I've used Wikka before, and it was pretty close to what I needed. I had to hack some of the guts to get it to work properly, though you can do quite a bit to it just by modifying the CSS.

    [Edit: Here is the project. It's dead now, but you get the idea.]
  • What about CalitrixWiki?

    ...unfortunately there is no complete english translation available yet :/
  • Having looked at quite a few wikis, I have to second MediaWiki as the best out there right now. *All* require some customization to make it look the way you want. Of the commerical products out there, I really like Confluence for it's flexibility. Plus, they offer a free licence for OpenSource projects
  • I've been using Confluence before, and it has a lot of problems. I would like to see a "vanilla-like" wiki easy to use and friendly as vanilla is.
  • crmarkscrmarks New
    edited May 2011
    The documentation section of appears to be running on some sort of wiki. Are there any plans to release something like this as a plugin or Garden application?

    This would be an awesome addition!
  • LincLinc Admin
    It's been mentioned but I haven't seen evidence of an imminent release.
  • @Lincoln, do you know who I might contact to ask about open sourcing the current code for the documentation section? I understand it may not be ready for prime time, but I'd love to give it a shot. A wiki, even if it was only manageable by administrators, would be a big asset for my community.

    Thanks so much, I really appreciate the help!
  • LincLinc Admin
    Ping @Todd about it.
  • Can I get the code would love to test it out and send feedback
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