"x.com" Tweets Will Not Embed

We are running version 2.3.1 of VF which many be the problem. If it is, please link to the tutorial on how to update the version.
The problem is that within the past 24 hours attempts to embed tweets by many users are having problems. The link they are given by Twitter begins "https://x.com," and will not embed. Instead of seeing the tweet, readers just see the link and have to click on it to see the tweet.
A workaround is for the posting member to paste the link into a word processing document, edit the "X" to "twitter," then copy and paste to a post on our board. Then the tweet shows up as part of the post. Just as it has always done until yesterday.
I think the origin of the problem is with Mr. Musk's re-branding of Twitter. In any event, how do I fix the problem?
Rebranding not done on the technical side.
X.com redirects to Twitter.com