[Tutorial] Migrating Vanilla 2023 to Flarum


Seeing as it is impossible for me to build or get an updated version of vanilla built, following @Linc 's advice I am migrating my site even though I love Vanilla.

I wish I didn't have to do it.

I leave you a small guide of what I did for anyone in my situation.

Migrating DB

I try 2 tools. With this I get convert the vanilla's data base to flarum. The conversion was poor.

You can export reactions manualy like likes or with the plugin reactions. If you need help to import likes, write me and I help you.

I think this is better tool, but I don't get it works: https://github.com/linc/nitro-porter

About flarum

It has an active community, plugins updated and a builded and updated release.

Its easy to install, only upload files and install.


If you use Rich2 on Vanilla

I prefere Rich2 text editor of vanilla, but you can use wysing with flarum.

With the tool I used, you can't convert posts.

You have to convert from json to html on vanillas database and then export.

I have wrote a script to do it. If you need it, I can share you It. Only write me.

A shame we have to leave Vanilla. I may be stupid, but I am not able to compile it.



  • Flarum seems to be a popular choice for people migrating from Vanilla, with an active community and updated plugins. The migration process can be challenging, but it's great that you're sharing your experience and any tools or scripts you've developed to help others in a similar situation.

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