I am running version 2021.012 but dashboard wont show

I dont know when this started to happen as I dont pay attention to this page much but I just noticed that I cant seem to load the Dashboard. I just get 2 differnet page cannot be found errors and
When I inspect the page i see the following errors
Any ideas why this page will no longer load?
sorry was getting weird errors form this server when I posted so it ended up posting twice. Admin you can delete the other post!
I recommend better reaching out to our technical support team for assistance in resolving this issue.
This forum IS my technical support team... seems this app is dead. There seems to be no activity on it and parts of it are broken..
This forum IS my technical support team haha... seems this app is dead. There seems to be no activity on it and parts of it are broken..
Even the support forums software is broken.. what is happening here? should we be looking for new forum software?
Ouch, I guess it is time to start looking for new software. Thanks Kaspar!
You can use nitroporter and flarum ;)
So I have been able to port to Flarum but man this software looks like it's on life support. There are not many themes not many plugins.. I feel like this software is like a year away from the same death!
Aprechate the help though with nitroporter its a great application!
I don't think that's the case. The pace of Flarum core development has actually been increasing over the last couple years. There is a fairly active Discord community I suggest joining. However, it's all volunteer, so it started off much slower than Vanilla did (which had 4-8 full time product engineers for most of its existence prior to the buyout). You made need to recalibrate your expectations about pacing. 😅 Version 1.8 was released in May 2023. They're currently working on 2.0.
go on fiverr and find a developer, get it working, then migrate to forum or discourse
well, you have to go on Upwork because there are many professionals available, and your work is done much better than on other platforms.
it was just a dashboard on my admin page that was broken nothing to do with the main site. I was able to use Linc's NitoPorter with a few tweaks to get to Flarum.. Guess this is goodbye Vanilla!! (And PHP 7.4)