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Youtube/Google/Soapbox Video Plugin



  • @myshizobuddy: youtube video ids are alphanumeric (both upper and lower case), and can also have hyphens and underscores.

    @tthmaz: you need to enable videos in the extension by changing the definition. Open up the file and you'll see what i mean.
  • strawberries thats right. fckeditor locks the textarea, so you can't even use the quote extension as well. It sucks though. I don't use it, I use the plain html formatter. I just created the plugin for others, I myself wont' be using the fckeditor or any WYSIWYG for that matter. They all suck in one thing or another.
  • MySchizoBuddy, yes the quote extension gets lost as well. As you say, the plain html formatter is by far the best. Thanks for creating the plugin though........that is what i love about this many great folks with wonderful talents/creativity, who share them for free.
  • where can i get this extension?
  • It works! SirNot! Thanks!

    For those who are still looking, you have to get html formatter 1.7, edit line 26:
    define('HTML_VIDEO_TAG', 0);
    define('HTML_VIDEO_TAG', 1);

    works like a charm. This is the first youtube video in my forum. Am I excited... :) Cheers!
  • i decided not to release it, cause fckeditor is becoming more of a nusance. It locks the textarea so no other extension can use it, making it very incompatible. You will have to disable lot of extensions to get fckeditor to work. You should try the Sirnot HTML formatter v1.7, it allows u to post youtube and google videos
  • i was able to get work with better BBcode
  • I have a problem with videos that are from google that have a - at the beginning of the doc id. See here
    The player pops up but no video. The other video i have posted, without a - in the beginning, works with no problems.
    I have removed the -, no workie. What gives?
  • edited October 2006
    u have entered the wrong doc id. I tried it on google and it says video does not exist the id u used is "-633148406421494737" that id is wrong. can u give me the url of the actual google page btw did u change the code, cause the embed code that is on ur website is not what my code generates :S plus u need to work on ur forum layout. :)
  • I checked again, and that docid IS correct. Not sure how a "copy and paste" right from my google video page could be wrong but here is another copy and paste: (and yes i tried the &hl=en and it still did not work). You must still be using a small screen or small resolution? I did not change any code, i did change the "0" to a "1" according to the instructions above.
  • edited October 2006
    the 0 to 1 is for Sirnots html fomatter, not for fckeditor. u don't need the html formatter. yeah u copied it wrong from google. the last digit '6' is missing from ur code. copy past again. plus my code generates &hl=en which is not in ur code. plus it doesn't do style="width: 400px; height: 326px;" at all. my code doesn't generate style tag ? i'm using 1074 px horizontal rez. which is the most widely used resolution, and ur layout is totally broken in it.
  • edited October 2006
    I'm not using fckeditor, i am using sirnots. As i said, the &hl-en makes it not work, that's why it is not there. You were right, i am missing the trailing "6". By "broken" what do you mean? Are parts "overlaying into other parts of the forum? Maybe you can direct me on how to fix the problem? Willing to pay
  • edited October 2006
    what u need is a single column forum layout. not two column one.
    One person kadams54 on the forum made a single column one and looks great. perhaps u can check his code.
  • Hello MySchizoBuddy,

    for add the DailyMotion support (the french YouTube but also available with the english interface :)),

    in the <div id="flashVideos"> located in the video_dialog.html file :
    ADD THIS <span><input id="selectDailyMotion" onclick="ShowE('dailymotionInfo', this.checked); HideE('youtubeInfo', this.checked); HideE('googleInfo', this.checked); HideE('soapboxInfo', this.checked); UpdatePreview();" type="radio" name="select">DailyMotion Video</span> BEFORE <hr width="100%" size="2" />

    and :
    ADD THIS <span id="dailymotionInfo" style="display:none">DailyMotion enter something like <strong>6YB5F2y4cyZTg816B</strong></span> BEFORE <span><input id="videoCode" value="Enter correct video id here" onblur="UpdatePreview();" style="WIDTH: 100%" type="text"></span>

    then in video.js, add this in the function UpdateEmbed after SoapBox :
    if (GetE('selectDailyMotion').checked) { e.src = ''.concat(GetE('videoCode').value) ; SetAttribute(e, "width" , '425' ) ; SetAttribute(e, "height", '335' ) ; }

    and finally, in the same file, add this in the function UpdatePreview after SoapBox also :
    if (GetE('selectDailyMotion').checked) { e.src = ''.concat(GetE('videoCode').value) ; e.width = '425' ; e.height = '335' ; }
  • thanks nicolus
  • Has anyone tried embedding MSN soapbox videos? I tried using this extension but it never works. All it returns is an "embed failed" though I can preview the videos fine before embedding.
  • The FCK Editor Extension page tells us that it does Soapbox, is this not the case? Also, even though Schiz said he wasn't releasing this, it looks like he has in the main FCK Editor extension.
  • edited December 2006
    Ok fixed it
    open up settings.php in fckeditor extension folder
    look for a line that starts with embed and replace it with this one
    'embed' => array('id' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1, 'src' => 1,'quality' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'wmode' => 1, 'flashvars' => 1, 'name' => 1, 'pluginspage' => 1 ),
    Now soapbox will work
  • New version uploaded. Now with Vimeo,metacafe,revver,dailymotion,videojug support
  • Thanks for the response and help -- Stash & Schiz. You all have a fantastic new year.
This discussion has been closed.