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Web Design



  • my goodness Wanderer, aren't we generalising...
  • Sounds good to me. Even just calling it PhotoSnip or something a bit less wacky would do the job...
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited October 2006
    Apple's done a tremendous job at removing many of the reasons for not using a Mac during the past year.

    And, they've made considerable progress at bringing down costs. Many of their computers are way cheaper than PCs when you do a side-by-side comparison of the options that come standard (80211.g, Bluetooth, web cam, screen quality/size, processor performance, CD/DVD-burners, ports, security features, native applications/features, fonts, etc.).

    Granted they don't sell $100 PCs (their cheapest PC starts at $599). But, as far as features out-of-the-box and performance go, when you compare to PCs, the Macs are now actually cheaper.

    As far as the differences of your work on either platform go, I have (personally) found that my work is much better on a Mac than a PC. The Adobe applications are a little more streamlined on the Mac (drag-and-drops, etc.), and the work environment is just more conducive to good design and an efficient use of your workspace. You'd be surprised how one's work is so easily influenced by the OS. Spotting a website that was designed on a PC is pretty easy.

    Getting back to web design... I have also found it much easier to code CSS while previewing my work on a browser that actually passes the Acid2 test (Safari passed it last year). Then I test on a PC and create exceptions for IE when necessary. Firefox usually doesn't have any issues since it almost passes Acid2.

    Oh yeah, and OS X having a built-in Apache web server (which I use for building and testing layouts locally) that activates with one-click is an extremely nice native feature for web designers.
  • StashStash
    edited October 2006
    Thanks Dan :)

    That is the kind of reasoned argument that I like. I agree with just about every point you make, although I would say it's obvious that most bad websites are created on a PC as it's probably safe to say that in general most websites are created on a Mac. I think it's also safe to say that in general, a higher percentage of design savvy people buy Macs than Joe Publics, if compared to the PC. This, once again, edges your chances up for saying that a well designed web site is created on a Mac.

    Designing in a web compliant browser and then fixing is a very good way to design and either Safari or Firefox are both well suited to this. I haven't had a chance to look into IE7 all that much yet, but I hope it's better than 6 when it comes to standards compliance...

    Think you might be wrong on Macs being cheaper than PC though, but they are "easier" ;)
  • dan39dan39 New
    edited October 2006
    Really, it's not that difficult these days to buy a Mac that's cheaper than a comparable Dell:
  •  Quote: Sirnot  my goodness Wanderer, aren't we generalising...
    Maybe if I was a johnny-come-lately talking about last week but my observations over 12 years are anything but generalizations.

    My 13-year-old niece just last week told me that her Mac friends are more "fun and creative" than her PC friends who are boring and all they use is MSN Chat and Word! Unfortunately her father decided on a PC for home years ago, but he too sees how different she is when she's on my Mac (playing with iPhoto, iMovie, InDesign and Photoshop) so they are saving up for a MacBook for Christmas.

    I don't know why I keep beating this horse, I really don't care what PC users think, maybe I feel sorry for the experience they are missing out on?
  • I am very much amused by this continued schism between Mac people and PC people. It's been around longer than some of you have been alive, since the beginning of the Apples. And it looks like it will go on forever, just like the Never Ending Story.
  • Hey jimw, I would have agreed with you a few months back, however I am seeing a marked shift towards Macs since the Intel announcement.

    People I know who wouldn't normally p*ss on a a Mac if it were on fire are now expressing serious interest in purchasing one, supposedly because it can run their Windows crap.

    Whatever the reason, this is good for the platform but it worries me. I knew of many great camping spots up in the high country that we went to every year and had the place all to ourselves to enjoy. Now every Sunday camper and his dog's there with their loud music and fancy tents, damn I wish I'd never told anyone about them.
  • edited October 2006
    Wanderer ur niece uses InDesign? This is my experience from mac and pc. Mac users can use pcs. pc users can't use macs. I dunno why though. I see blondes using macs and pc all the time in the university comp lab. yet the computer science geeks are all confused about macs. (yes i have tons of CS geek friends). I don't understand why they stand in line to just check their emails. when u can use an open mac and check it and move on with other things. Another thing I noticed is that the mac line is mostly of hot girls and the pc line is mostly geeky indians.
  • Yes she uses InDesign to make her school project DVD covers because she finds the PC app that came with her printer does not give her the flexibility she needs, she only does basic things because we can't find the time to teach her more.

    Her father uses Kodak EasyShare to get digital pics off the camera, then gets all confused about where the files are, so he can't print them.

    His daughter comes over to my house, plugs the same camera into my PowerBook and in 5 minutes has all the pics on her USB stick to take away and use.

    This is my point exactly, her father is a PC drone with PC mentality and outlook (pun intended) on life, he can't see past using the stupid dock thing that came with the camera and just plug and play with a simple USB cable!

    As for hot girls you got that right! Last year my wife and I were at the Apple Store in Chicago, lots of hot chics checking their email and laughing, some were even video iChatting with mom and dad across the other side of the country! You wouldn't see anything like that in a PC computer store, just a lot of geeks as you say being serious and everything but creative and full of life.
  • I'm a bad person because I own PC's. Don't hand out with me, don't go to a bar with me, I am a PC user, I am dull and boring and very non-creative.

    Your accusations are absurd. But hey, thats why the term Fanboi was created, and it appears to fit like a glove.
  • Never heard of the term "Fanboi" down-under Krak, please explain, and I am not saying you are a bad person. Lots of my mates are PC drones but I never give up on them! I love to play pool with them, go camping, play cricket even argue politics but when it comes to actually using computers creatively, hec using computers period, we part ways!

    Even my wife has become one, her 10-year-old Mac is only used to do online banking at home and she uses a Dell laptop all day at work. She's a very organized person and has a great job which she is very good at but when it comes to being creative (she's a visual merchandise manager) she's always in the sh*t and comes running to me.

    I hope one day you will "see the light"!
  • yesh krak, I'm pleased u understand the good versus evil thingy. Now what are u going to do about it. move to the good side or ......... PS: we are just playing here. no one hates pc users. can't vouch for wanderer though. he is even scaring me, and i'm a mac user *gulp* :)
  • Sorry guys, I don't mean to scare anyone, I guess I'm passionate about things and it gets my goat to see people settling for less than the best and paying through the nose for it.

    I apologize if I offended anyone.

  • Its all good. We are all friends.

    We are all friends, right? haha.
  • "Fanboys" remain loyal to their particular obsession, disregarding any factors that differ from their point of view. They are also typically hateful to the opposing brand or competition of their obession regardless of its merits or achievements.

    Mainly it's the holier-than-thou attitude of fanboys that sticks in the craw. I can understand being pasionate about something and wanting to let others know why you feel that way, but it's not what you do, it's the way that you say it ;)
  • So. Most of the people I know who work as artists don't have computers at all, or don't like to use them. New theory: computers make you less creative, the mac is slightly less harmful than the PC. Discuss! :D Seriously though, lets fgor a minute assume Wanderer is right that creative people = mac users, even then there is no causality, there is only correlation!
  •  Quote: [-Stash-]'s not what you do, it's the way that you say it ;)
    Oh really, we're all big boys here aren't we?
    No little children to treat with kid gloves?

     Quote: [-Stash-]  They are also typically hateful to the opposing brand or competition of their obession regardless of its merits or achievements.
    That's because there are no merits, nor achievements by comparison.
    Not hateful, objective and critical.
    Competition? It is proven that the Mac hardware along with OS X and associated applications is superior!
    "Fanboy" it is then, I wear the label with pride. pic
  • Can someone please recommend me either some Gimp, or Gimpshop tutorial sites please? I'm not at all familiar with Photoshop (I made a couple of swish things a few years back, but wouldn't have a clue how to re-create them now) so preferably something that doesn't just put in a lot of PS references.

    Not that I'll actually stand a chance of creating anything semi decent being a PC user and all.

  • edited October 2006
    You should read this article
    How C.R.A.P is your site design

    I still can't figure out how to create a rectangle in GIMP
    Blizeh have u used everyone is talking about it.

    try v3.0 alpha 2

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