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Lech has disappeared...

edited April 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How is it we keep losing key people for random periods of time?


  • it's that earth, space and time vortex, captain <<said in my Scottie voice>>
  • ercatliercatli
    edited October 2006
    The dreaded Vanilla Triangle???
  • Perhaps he is off "helping" some young lady with her Mac problems, lol.
  • Dudes, I'm baaaaaaaaack!
  • Sort of, wow this place has moved around a bit and tons more users have joined since I've last been around. Crazy.
  • even though i dont know you; Welcome Back!
  • Hello! and YES! IT IS GOOD TO BE BACK! Although I feel kind of lost now with all the changes that have taken place with everything I've missed while being busy as hell and elsewhere. But it's good to see the community thriving and marching on, so I'm not sure how much I can contribute as I've come today looking for a bit of help as well. But I'm trying to make some time to get back into the habit of breaking Vanilla and making a new theme (yeah, I know... I failed in that promise) but, SOON! /me gives mini a noogie.
  • Yay! /me does a happy dance Missed you. Mini's gone on vacation again tho.
  • Welcome back!

    And you know... what happened between me and your significant other... I'm sorry. We thought you weren't coming back. :P
  • I'm gonna post on this thread just cos it brings a warm glow to my heart to see you guys doing your wee dances of Lussumo joy. Done.
  • if by "significant other" you mean my crazy friend Ken, yeah, do whatever. I'll enjoy the company of the ladies here :) Also, it never fails! The moment I jump back, mini always disappears for a few days on vacation or off to some event. Is Mark still popping around now and then? You out there, Mark?
  • Hey hey lech. Glad to see you return. I'm the same shoes as you in that I really need to do a new theme.. been saying I would but I'm too lazy ;)
  • haven't heard from mark for more than 2 weeks now
  • Hey whos that bald guy? Welcome back!
  • 3stripe, ADM, krak what's going on :) good to see that some of the core people are still here. I think my return has somehow sparked some kind of event due to the name whoring search which lead me to find this thread :) I miss you guys! Mark is missing? or is he just as busy as the rest of us these days? I suspect he's been contracted then kidnapped by headhunting ninjas for work related projects as usual. Hope things are going good. I'll try to hold back all the Swell jokes, I promise.
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