Email notification of update to thread



  • Go here: to view the emailsubscribe plugin page.

    This thread ranks number 1 in a google search for 'vanilla forums email notify new post', so I thought I should include the link to the answer (5 years later). If I am wrong, please correct me.
  • mattmatt ✭✭
    edited January 2011
    Thanks. Of course this didn't exist, nor did Vanilla 2, when the question was asked. But it's still relevant so thanks for the answer!
  • It would be great if such a plugin supported Amazon's Simple Email Service for improved deliverability vs using your local SMTP, or exceeding quota on an authenticated SMTP.
  • Closing as this was re: Vanilla 1 and confusing. Please start a new discussion if you have questions about email support in Vanilla 2.
This discussion has been closed.