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Thankful People 1.2



  • After I have activated it, I look at my discussion list and its fine. I open a discussion and that's when I get the message.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    When someone says that all of the bugs are ironed out of this one, I'll enable it on here...
  • Actually, I think its the server I'm on. I tested it on others and it runs without a hitch. Also, it doesn't matter what theme I'm using on the server giving me beef. So, I'm thinking there is a limit on the actual MYSQL given by the server? Someone without knowledge in that area say yay or nay, and I'll see if my host can do something about it if that's the case.
  • Here is a screen shot:


    As you can see, it hads a weird yellow highlight around some of the sidepanel links, a weird white border on the top, and it changes the way the nav buttons look. (This is vanea black with almost no changes to it).
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited December 2006
    It looks to me like there is a query error that occurs in an ajax call - that error is delivered right to your page. And since that error code has a CSS include, that's what causes your style to go all wonky.
  • anybody have any ideas on resolving the interior pages ?
  • edited December 2006
    Yeah. It is definitely working on two other installs I have. Those two installs are being hosted on 1and1. One is using the default theme. One is using the black and white. The other install is on another host, and irregardless of which theme I use, it doesn't work. That's why I think it might be a specific conflict with a setting that the host has set (such as a limit) in the mySQL. But that's just my unintelligent guess (as I have no idea of what any of that means above).

    Because, this extension does work. And it works very well. Unfortunately it doesn't work on all installs or on all servers from what I can tell. I'm just throwing this out there in hopes that Jazzman or any other intelligent fellow can use this information to help them figure out what is causing the issue. I'd definitely use it.
  • Also. Just updated my install, as I did realize I was using 1.0, rather then 1.0.1. So, I upgraded to 1.0.3. It still doesn't work.
  • garvin u better get this to work dude. Mark won't install it here if ur having problems with it.
  • I don't know what else to do. I did everything I thought would work. But, I don't code php : (
  • The extension should add the database scheme to your conf/database.php file. Check if you can find:
    // Thankful People Table Structure $DatabaseTables['ThankfulPeople'] = 'ThankfulPeople'; $DatabaseColumns['ThankfulPeople']['CommentID'] = 'CommentID'; $DatabaseColumns['ThankfulPeople']['UserID'] = 'UserID';

    Or add it manually. Hope this helps...
  • Update:

    Version 1.1
    - Fixed a bug where thank-you's only showed up on the first page
  • edited December 2006
    I'm going to complete remove the old DB additions that Thankful People create, and I'm going to remove it from conf/database.php. Then, delete it from the extensions folder. Then, reupload it, install it, and see if I still have the same issues (7:33am EST)

    (7:39am EST) All right. I removed the old files and references. Removed the old tables and started from scratch on this extension, and installed the latest version. When I installed it and went to a discussion (viewing comments.php?DiscussionID=...), I got the following message:

    Notice: Undefined index: ThankfulPeople in /var/www/html/collab/library/Framework/Framework.Functions.php on line 439 Notice: Undefined index: ThankfulPeople in /var/www/html/collab/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 68 Notice: Undefined index: ThankfulPeople in /var/www/html/collab/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 117 Notice: Undefined index: ThankfulPeople in /var/www/html/collab/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 117 Notice: Undefined index: ThankfulPeople in /var/www/html/collab/library/Framework/Framework.Class.SqlBuilder.php on line 68 A fatal, non-recoverable error has occurred Technical information (for support personel): Error Message An error occurred while retrieving data. Affected Elements ThankfulPeople.CommentGrid_InitThankfulPeople(); The error occurred on or near: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'as CommentID, tp. as UserID, u.Name as UserName from LUM_Comment m inner join ' at line 1
  • edited December 2006
    Could the problem be with the evaluation of the $DiscussionID in the building of the mysql statement with the single quotes? At least on garvin's one server.

    Have you tried contacting you host about this mysql error?
  • edited December 2006

    Version 1.1
    - Fixed a bug where thank-you's only showed up on the first page
  • Hi!

    Version 1.1 works fine for me! Thank you very much!

  • > MySchizoBuddy said: > > just one more request. Allow people to add their own fields. So instead of thankful people, they can have > Agreed by : > Unagreed by: > > Something that can be used in Political forums etc. > let the users decided what they want to use it for. that would be so cool! I'd love to see that possibility. PS - great extension, Jazz. You know, this forum and the things people like jazz come up with, must be the greatest, cutting edge place for forum design on all of the www.
  • Quoteas CommentID, tp. as UserID, u.Name as UserName from LUM_Comment m inner join
    It still looks like Vanilla can't resolve the database column names... Whisper me if I can have access to your website to have a look at the problem :)
  • Just tried to install MediaWiki 1.8.2 and got this message:

    "PHP 5.0.0 or higher is required. ABORTING."

    Could this have anything to do with my problem?
  • Ok. I installed PHP 5+ and it still does not work. So, that's not what was stopping it. Any ideas?
This discussion has been closed.