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A People Bookmark System

edited 2007 11 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I have tried to create this ext myself but I am still learning how all the vanilla stuff works together so it ended up being a mess. So calling smarter better, programmers than I... We need a "friends" ext. This extension would add a little tag to everyones comments (like the edit, quote, ect) that says something like "add friend" this would essentially bookmark that person to a list of your "friends" on your "account" page. So your account page would have a friends list that was a list of usernames (of users you selected) that each link to the participated discussions for that user. So for instance, if I though Jazzman made good comments, I could add him as a friend. Then later I could go through my list of friends and find Jazzman in the list and click on it to keep up with his latest postings. I think this extension would help create an increased sense of community in a forum. This would especially be useful for forums with a large number of users where newer users might feel lost in the crowd. Any takers?


  • Great idea skuban maybe also an option to make this a tab as it can get pretty congested on the Account page.
  • Or perhaps as a panel option on the account page.
  • You guys are just filled with good ideas. If someone is willing to make this extension, I would like to use it. :) Unfortunately, I can only read and modify PHP code... I can't program it. Bookmarked!

  • edited 2006 15
    Something like this mockup

    Friends List extension for Vanilla Forum
  • I believe houseinprogress has one already on the site but I don't know whether it for release (possibly also from hutstein). I think you can only add friends from the account profile box, but imagine such a link is then only a small addition.
  • Wow, MySchizoBuddy, I'd be happy to be your friend. pic
  • I like that friends list mockup :)
  • i've also bookmarked this thread :)
  • Schiz, can you quickly make an enemies mockup. Just change the title, remove Jazz, mark and Sirnot.

    [Kidding Wanderer... (did anyone remark yet that you resemble the grinch in your latest icon?)]
  • LOL, we should start a creativity contest for mockups and previews.
  •  Quote: TomTester  did anyone remark yet that you resemble the grinch in your latest icon?
    Oh my stinkin' socks, you're right!

  • don't forget to add the user icon for that list! :-)

    Take a break and enjoy a webcomic!
  • edited 2006 15
    the mockup doesn't follow the KISS motto
    can someone suggest simplifying it. it too complicated in its current state. will prolly scare away extension creators
    Discussion is same as comments, do we really need a separation between the two

    How about a link to the latest comment and a link "Show all" that shows all the users comments including Discussions
    that would be simple enough for a extension creator to take a shot at it
  • The mockup looks nice. I especially like the * that lets you know which friends have you as a friend... But that said, a simple listing of linked usernames going to their most recent discussions seems like it would be easy to a skilled ext writer since it would be very similar to an existing function. Instead of: it would be:
  • edited 2006 18
    Just for fun I tried to simplify the mockup...

    clicking the username takes you to particpated discussions, and you have a link to their most recent post.


    You could also have a seperate link for "all discussions" and leave the username for a link to their profile...

    Any brillant developers getting excited?
  • I like this idea a lot! It's sorta what I'm looking for too except I want to create a listings page of profiles for certain types of roles. User can browse the listings and instead of adding as friend, they 'Add to Favourites'. These are then listed/called from a tab called Favourites. I guess whoever eventually develops this extension could adapt it for me?
  • haha I already made this Not exactly as you describe. I will be adding many feature in the near future. Right now it acts as a Favorites and you can see who has added you as their friend. It doesn't look as elegant as that mock up but i like.
  • edited 2007 29
    OK, just installed this to see how it can be adapted for my purposes e.g. Friends become 'Favourites', People tab becomes 'Favourites'. But when I viewed the People tab this is what I got: Notice: Undefined index: ppage in extensions/Friends/members.php on line 17 Notice: Undefined index: ppage in extensions/Friends/members.php on line 80 Notice: Undefined index: ppage in extensions/Friends/members.php on line 80 Notice: Undefined index: ppage inextensions/Friends/members.php on line 80 Notice: Undefined index: ppage in extensions/Friends/members.php on line 80 Plus some weird styling in tables below, i.e. blue text on black bg The other thing is, and this goes back to an earlier point I've made on this forum, is the options for extensions should reside outside the core options for Vanilla. For example, I have Jazzman's extension 'Private Messages' installed and in the sidepanel of my settings tab the options for his extension appear separately from the core Vanilla options. They are headed: Extension Options. This is a nice touch as it allows me to easliy indentify the options for this extension, rather than hunting around the core options. In fact, I would go as far as saying that it should be mandatory that options for extensions are grouped together outside the core options.
  • shotoshi, you are absolutely right about extension options being shown separately from the vanilla core ones. Perhaps Jazzman would post a code snippet of how he does that so everyone can copy him? ;)
  • all he does is add another panel item to the page instead of adding a settings page, that's all
This discussion has been closed.