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A People Bookmark System



  • Cheers Vincent, hopefully authors will take this on board and start doing this. Is there any way Mark could make this mandatory, or Minisweeper, in his absence?
  • how did you go about renaming the page. Did it do this before you changed it around? I think if you are using page manager add &ppage=myfriends to the end of the link. I will be fixing that in the next version and make it if ppage is undefined goto the default page.

    The styling well that is the style for my forum and can easily be changed in style.css since most people use a custom style anyway I figured most people would have to change it anyways.
  • to make it in another catagory change thid:
    $AdministrativeOptions = $Context->GetDefinition("AdministrativeOptions"); $Panel->AddList($AdministrativeOptions, 10); $Panel->AddListItem($AdministrativeOptions,$Context->GetDefinition("Friends_Settings"),GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=Friends'));

    to this:
    $Panel->AddList('Extension Options', 10); $Panel->AddListItem('Extension Options',$Context->GetDefinition("Friends_Settings"),GetUrl($Context->Configuration, 'settings.php', '', '', '', '', 'PostBackAction=Friends'));
  • The only way to make it mandatory would be for me to manually go through checking all the extensions and reporting any issues to the authors, I believe.
This discussion has been closed.