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Anyone tried the Photoshop CS3 beta?



  • Actually, there's a tool that strips out the unneeded code from universal betas. Read about it on Digg I think, but cannot find the article.
  • gigingergiginger New
    edited December 2006
    @choke@@ ==vomit==
    Thanks mate, just the thing I wanted to read as I was having my muesli this morning!

    Dells are so good!

    My tongue is currently so far into my cheek that it's threatening to burst through.
  • edited December 2006
    quote giginger
    it's threatening to burst through

    let it. let Dell free you from your burden so u can cross over to the good side.
  • Hahah, I have to use Dells at work and it pains me. Especially when I know I could build something considerably better.
  • Works is almost entirely Dells, only this year I was allowed to build my own machine. It worked out £700 cheaper and significantly faster than any equivalent Dell as you cannot tweak a sensibly priced Dell for love nor money. It was a great relief to finally get off NetBust :)
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