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Recommended Linux Host?

edited February 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I am looking for a good host for a Linux Server and hoping that I might get a few suggestions. Here is what I am looking for..

1. Dependable uptime
2. Ability to add unlimited domains myself.
3. Need no restrictions or limits on the PHP memory (for WordPress SemPro install that works best with 32mg PHP Memory)
4. 24/7 Phone Support with knowledgeable support
5. Looking for a solid foundation host with excellent support.

I don't mind paying for quality hosting and I would consider a managed or VPS if supported.

All Suggestions appreciated. Thanks.


  • Mark uses RackSpace for his hosting and I'm under the impression theyre rather highly recommended. Not cheap but not too expensive. Were you looking for your own server/vps or were you considering shared platforms too?
  • RackSpace certainly have the name, although I've never been able to afford them used them.

    One problem I always have with hosts is that generally I don't use their support, as either they're good enough (setup and reliability) and I don't have to ask questions because they just work, or they don't and I leave :P Personally I've only ever had good experiences with 1&1 and they do some pretty reasonable dedicated boxes as well as a fully managed service. I like the idea (not the cost) of a managed service as it takes a lot of the annoying work (Linux) out of it for you.
  • Well fully managed services are advantageous for people without the time, or skills, or both, to manage the boxes themselves. Naturally though you're then having to pay for the time of people who do have the skills. Quite often for businesses this is barely an issue but for single end users with (possibly fairly unimportant or non profit generating) it's a big decision which is generally avoided. I used to run my own dedicated server and refer to the support team at my host for any management issues i had with it, which is obviously cheaper until something goes wrong :) Now i work in the managed services industry so I get a free server and a support team around me :D
  • I have a VPS for my major work, but I've not had one I will recommend. Still looking for the perfect VPS provider. Shared hosting, my best results have been with I've talked to the owner of the place a few times if support calls were heavy, so they care about their users. They don't crowd out their servers, and they're pretty cheap too... Not to mention, if you need something upgraded, they'll simply do it. I was with 1&1 for months without getting ruby installed, which is why I switched. It's been awhile since I've used support though, so I can't comment on how it's been the past year. But it speaks well that I've not needed support in a year, though. Next to nothing as far as downtime. I think just dealing with people instead of only a control panel makes it worth it. I've also heard good things about Dreamhost and Rackspace.
  • Dreamhost is cheap and (for the most part) works which is all I need. I also have a Win2003 VPS with a small UK outfit called BoltConnect. Amongst other things I run a TS server off it for my gaming clan (yes, yes, geek...) and I had 3 months uptime with it and would most likely have had longer had I not rebooted it because I was trying out some software on the server. It has the ability for snapshot backups as well which came in handy when I nuked the windows install while playing =D Reimaging it only took under an hour and I even got seamlessly moved from one physical box to another when I needed some more power (no IP change or data loss, just approx 3 mins of downtime).

    Sorry for blathering, I don't have anyone to talk about my VPS to LOL
  • I'm using a French hosting
    This is not "top-pro" but very cheap, especially the Debian fully dedicated server:
    But this is a French only site…until the english flag in the top right corner does something.

    I'm also looking for VPS in the US, can someone comment on Inmotion? :
  • This discussion started in the christmas week and I wanted to "float" it, hoping for more contributions, as I do need an US VPS…
  • Max_B,

    I settled on a Verio VPS at since I wanted a managed VPS. I wanted someone that would manage the backups, server and give me help since I personally don't have the background knowledge to do many things on a VPS but I wanted the space, speed and 24/7 tech support. Its more costly than some but it suits me fine and I have been extremely happy with their very knowledgeable support. Verio is a FreeBSD *nix setup and I like that a lot.

    I actually tried a VPS on HostmySite as they have had some of the best shared hosting that I have ever had. But their VPS's are unmanaged and they expect you to know and do everything. If you call for support and they hear VPS their support will shun you because you are supposed to know how to manage it. So that might be good for you but like I said I need a bit more technical assistance than most.

    Hope that helps.

    Can't recommend them enough, very good service. Not sure about the Phone support though.
  • Thank you for these recommendations. I've been shopping around for a new host for quite some time. I've been fairly satisfied with what I have but I am looking to expand and I don't think my current provider can give me what I want. ASO looks fabulous. Great rates too!
  • +1 for A Small Orange.

    Quality hosts.
  • Thanks for links and advices, guys.
    Any though on adiungo I found googling?
  • well it says "Limited time only" so i am pretty sure after first month or 2 you will havr to pay the 30 a month. I want to start using they look really good.
  • I've personally never had any problems with 1and1 and find their servers to be pretty fast (UK).
  • omfgomfg New
    edited January 2007
    If you want Rackspace hosting without paying for a whole box we offer that at Soon to be [Huevia].
  • Well, maybe I miss something but, afaict, 1&1 "root server" start at $99/mo. 3 times adiungo VPS for comparable perfs.
    I need to install a PHP module (YAZ) and compil/install/run YAZ library+executable. This is not possible on a shared hosting.
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited January 2007
    Try this:

    1. Just goto a garage sale
    2. Find a computer from the 90's buy it for 5 dollars
    3. Plug the cat5 into the phone jack that you widened with a screwdriver and/or hammer
    4. Install some server stuff
    5. Hope for the best.

    Please don't take that seriously......
  • Adiungo has lots of bad reviews on
  • Thanks Dinoboff, that's a useful comment.
  • I spent a whole sunday searching for low end managed VPS hosting on the unknown US market, reading
    I ended up whit a short list of selected hosts:

    Servint has best customer ranking support and uptime. Their VPS are caped to protect customers from each other. This has given some bad benchmark figures in the past, but recent posts show it OK.

    I droped ASmallOrange, beside its friendly staff and community because there are too much reports of downtime, support limitation and no managed VPS option, at least from the web site reading.

    Wanted to share, if it can save the work to some folks.
This discussion has been closed.