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  • edited March 2007
    So, to reiterate - all that you want is a way to show/hide each comment.
    I would say show/hide all comments by a user at once instead of a solution based on comment-by-comment blocking. So to say a global "user hide/ignore".
  • has anything like this been made?
  • +1 for this. A simple thing where you can see that the user posted, but have to actively click "view this post" to see the text would rock.

    Wallphone knows why. :-)
  • edited August 2007
    Mark W - That actually would make a terrific option, kind of a "collapse all comments by user" thing. It would remove the comments from screen without losing a placeholder so if most of the time you're happily reading without somebody and you hit an area that doesn't make sense without the comment, you could choose to expand that one.

    Any small hope of an ignore user addon actually happening sometime, anyone? I keep coming back hoping beyond hope.

    I'm on three different boards that would cheer to hear one was available.
  • *bump* I have run into several scenarios where I could use such a feature has anything popped up yet or am I speaking to the wind?
  • StashStash
    edited August 2007
    /me cocks an ear and hears the howling of wind...
  • Would be cool to get this though I agree :)
  • I believe forums (fora actually) should reflect society, which means we take the good with the bad and deal with it accordingly.

    If an individual is that objectionable something should be done at admin level after due and fair consideration of the case for and against.

    Posted: Friday, 31 August 2007 at 7:28AM

  • I havnt read the above comments --^ But perhaps some sort of filter dependant on user ID. I think theres a few add-ons already made where you can filter according to category perhaps a modification of the code of one of those? However I'm not sure what piece of pre-made code will be able to remove a comment from a discussion. :S
  • Thats why it would be an add-on though I mean its optional people can run their forums as they see fit.
  • *bump* I dont think this will ever catch much steam but id give someone a cookie if they made it happen.
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