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Adding Links to sidepanel



  • Tks again, That didn't do the trick though.
  • Sorry, I've edited it, try it again now.
  • Still still no go, tried with and without the "?" at the end as well. (assuming it's written without?)
  • NickENickE New
    edited January 2007
    $Panel->AddListItem($ListName, 'Lussumo', '', '', 'target="_blank"');should work

    @mini: when you see something like $var = x in a function parameter that means that the parameter is optional, and x would be the default value; it dosn't mean you have $var = x as an argument :-P
  • Wow what service guys, all is good now, works great! Tks for the support. David K
  • *slaps self. Cheers sir :D
  • I don't suppose anyone feels like making a nice admin GUI with all those options and releasing this as an complete extension do they? I'd like that :)
  • hm. I bet I could figure out how to put this into an extension, if someone could point to a way of sorint the list items alphabeticallly..
  • edited February 2008
    hello I installed sidepanel add-on and put this code (<object data="" type="text/html" width="250" height="250" border="1" />) in default.php. It works well in firefox but in IE except the side panel nothing is displayed. The main content is invisible. I don't understand what is wrong with it??
  • I am trying to add link to the side-panel-something that will take visitors back to the main site. Something like this: "Go Back to Home page"
    I am reading the discussions and I am understanding anithing.
    I know .html and I am not familiar with .php at all.
    Is there a easy way that the dummy like me can use to insert the link in the side panel?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • what vanilla version do you use?
  • Hello, lukoie,
    I recently downloaded the vanilla-1.1.10 and I already installed it.
    here is the link:
  • i dont have v.1, sorry
    but i think you can open your theme file and add needed links in the place you want(the same way as i do for v.2)
    you can use html there as well
    you can create a big button on top of the side panel, or in the header banner of the forum
  • lukoie, thank you very much.
    I already downloaded and installed it-it is in my Extensions directory and I even checked the box next to the forum's Settings-extensions. I think, I am doing something wrong though: it does not do anything: I did not get the "path to the extension's directory" part from "read me" file- any idea which folder should I check for that path?
    Thanks a lot again,
  • StashStash
    edited June 2010
    Okay, so Vanilla 1's documentation sucks and so does some of the extensions :D Anyway, when you know how to use this extension, it's actually pretty simple.

    You should end up with a directory structure that looks like this:
    Then you just go into default.php and put some HTML links in where it says <!-- put content here -->.

    Here's an example default.php of me messing around!
    Extension Name: Sidepanel
    Extension Url:
    Description: Enables you to insert everything you want to appear in the sidepanel easily (based on Statcounter by JP Mitchell)
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Thomas Schranz
    Author Url:

    if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "discussions.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))){
    $content = <<< ENDCODE

    <!-- put content here -->
    <h1><a href="/categories/">Heading 1</a></h1>
    <h2>Heading 2</h2>
    <h3>Heading 3</h3>
    <h4>Heading 4</h4>
    <p>This is a paragraph with <a href="">a link to Google</a> in it.</p>
    <li>Ordered List, item 1</li>
    <li>Ordered List, item 2</li>
    <li>Ordered List, item 1</li>
    <li>Unordered List, item 1</li>
    <li>Unordered List, item 2</li>
    <li>Unordered List, item 1</li>


    P.S. Here's a clean, repackaged version of without any of the OSX crap and with the Folder named correctly.

    Since @ichigo hasn'bt been here since August 2006, perhaps one of the board admins could update the extension with this repackaged one (no code was changed)? @Tim, @Mark?
  • would be nice to have the same plugin rewritten for vanila2...
  • edited June 2010

    thank you very much for all the help.
    Actually, I have this coding already done (However, I'll copy the code for the future reference though, it looks neat and organized): {REMOVED}
    password: {REMOVED}

    This is the code-
    Extension Name: Sidepanel
    Extension Url:
    Description: Enables you to insert everything you want to appear in the sidepanel easily (based on Statcounter by JP Mitchell)
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Thomas Schranz
    Author Url:

    if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "discussions.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))){
    $content = <<< ENDCODE


    and files structure is exactly how you show to me.
    This is the extension for side-panel lukoie shared, I read the files inside and I modified a little.

    I just do not understand how to connect it to Vanilla. It is there but it does not show at the sidepanel.
  • you need to go to your adminpanel, and activate this plugin

    and btw, better take you password out from the forum, otherwise there will be no surprise you forum or even whole site could be hacked by someone
  • lukoi, thanks:O)
    I did activated it from the adminpanel. It still does not do anything.

    I'll change the password now.

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