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Adding Links to sidepanel



  • StashStash
    edited June 2010
    I've removed the login details.

    It looks like you have the extension installed just fine, you just need to put some HTML links in there now and it should work just fine :) (It's currently empty, hence nothing new is showing up in your panel!)

    Edit \Sidepanel\default.php in a text editor and replace all f it with the following:
    Extension Name: Sidepanel
    Extension Url:
    Description: Enables you to insert everything you want to appear in the sidepanel easily (based on Statcounter by JP Mitchell)
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Thomas Schranz
    Author Url:

    if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "discussions.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))){
    $content = <<< ENDCODE

    <p><a href="">Home</a></p>


    This will add one single link to the sidepanel, taking you back to your homepage. Give it a try, then add some more links!
  • lukoielukoie New
    edited June 2010
    ok, try to change the whole code to this:

    Extension Name: Sidepanel
    Extension Url:
    Description: Enables you to insert everything you want to appear in the sidepanel easily (based on Statcounter by JP Mitchell)
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Thomas Schranz
    Author Url:

    if(in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("index.php", "categories.php", "discussions.php", "comments.php", "search.php", "post.php", "account.php", "settings.php"))){
    $content = <h2><a href="">Google</a></h2>
    <h2><a href="">vanilla</a></h2>
    <p>Hello world</p>


  • @lukoie *SNAP* =D
  • Stash, lukoie
    thank god for this forum:O) I would not be able to do anything by myself, I do not know the php.
    Well, lukoie's script worked, the Stash's did not: I am not sure why.
    I am going to mess with it now.

    P.S. I feel I owe you a something: would you guys like one way links with promo from my web-site? I am not so famous but it still can be benefit to your sites.
    Or may be link to Vanilla?

    Just let me know.

  • I think, the Stash's link had paragraph before and that's why it did not work, yahooo... I got it

  • good to hear you're ok with that
    @ Stash, sorry dude, i was typing my post while you had yours ; )
  • @Lela just a few tips
    i dont have a flash installed, so cant see the top banner. consider using some background image in the hedder in case of someone like do not want to see flash
    and you have misspelled back to helicentrism on your forum. no "o" letter. check it out.
  • lukoie
    There is an image in the header. I put mine instead of the one was provided from script-and it is in .gif format. I do not understand what should I do. Pity I can not post the screen shot.

    P.S. I just added "o" in Heliocentricism:O) I am horrible in grammar (English is my 3rd language which of course is not an excuse:O)
    Thanks for the tips,
  • lukoie
    There is an image in the header. I put mine instead of the one was provided from script-and it is in .gif format. I do not understand what should I do. Pity I can not post the screen shot.

    P.S. I just added "o" in Heliocentricism:O) I am horrible in grammar (English is my 3rd language which of course is not an excuse:O)
    Thanks for the tips,
  • ooops, the computer has the mind itself.
    Please, disregard of those same messages. I do not know what happened. It just appeared there.
  • I was missing a semicolon, it's there now ;)

    And Lela, nothing other than your thanks is needed, glad to help.
  • Thanks, Stash,
    in our days hard to believe somebody actually is willing to help.
    God bless,
  • @Lela: - Free Image Hosting
    there's no picture in the header, because it seems there's flash banner.
  • lukoie, I just got what were you referring to... I thought it was about Vanilla forum banner.

    hmmm, first reason why this flash banner is there is because they know I've done similar things and when they see the stuff they get all excited and then tell me what to do. So, I do not have much of the choice. Picture was much easier for me to do there (by the way, this site is not existing yet, what you see is the skeleton of what it will be).
    However, I am thankful for telling me this because it never occurred to me before there are probably many people who probably does not have flash.
    When you'll have a chance may be click on the link, please,
    ( ) and see if there is a change. It is only on that page, I put flash banner in AP DIV that holds the banner in the place and under neat of is the image in the table. I am not sure if it is going to work. If not I'll do more homework-I'll research to figure the way out.
    Thanks, for everything again,
  • nope. still nothing ; )
    use css styling, and layers
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