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integrated gallery



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    one useful feature (at least to me! ;-)) would be to have users be able to upload images and then allow other users to click on an image to either start a discussion or join a discussion that already relates to the image... not sure how easy or difficult that would be to add as a feature, but might make for a nice enhancement to consider for your extension.
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    very, very nice.
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    Well, this looks really great! I'm using Filebrowser along with my Vanilla installation, but I use a crappy upload script without authentication for some of my users (which really sucks for security reasons). This would definitely solve my problem. Keep up the good work Vincent :)
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    @Ø: Same with me. It's not really practical either when it comes to organization/moderation.
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    In fact, I'm currently using Filebrowser as a kind of an emoticon manager: my users design and upload their own smileys then use them when they need to. It's quite experimental and it requires to insert the whole URL of each picture when you want to display it, but it's pretty funny and my community loves this creative side.

    Yep I'm totally dreaming here, but if such an extension could be integrated with Vanillcons, this would freaking destroy.
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    woow, such admiration for my work, lucky i shotgunned this project :P

    you've inspired me to continue it so if i get time to look around on what i've already got, i'll continue to finish at least the basics tonight
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    looking forward to it vincent.
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    i inspired you, the cookies are mine haha (j/k)

    well ..really lookin fwd 4 this little extension
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    How exactly will this integration work? Will it be permission based? Can users upload stuff? Interesting work!
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    Just a thought... I'm using the attachments extension and placed filebrowser in the uploads folder. The only thing is that only the administrators know that you can go to the uploads/ directory to see the filebrowser. It would be nice if we COULD make it permissions-based. As right now, if there is a group of pictures/files that I'd like a client to see, I use a seperate install of filebrowser in a total different directory moving the files there via FTP.

    Now that I'm thinking about it, this is probably really complicated, but if we did make it permissions-based to see the filebrowser, how hard would it be to also make it permissions-based to see specific files in the uploads directory? Like, tag the files for a specific member?

    I just woke up, so I might come back to this in about 20 minutes when the coffee kicks in and I can think straight.
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    I think permissions-per-file based stuff would be pretty complex (well, not so much complex, as requiring a re-write of filebrowser) - permission based who can see *the* filebrowser shouldnt be very difficult at all, though. I guess you could set up a few copies of the extension...?
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    edited February 2007
    I guess what I'm thinking is, when you'd upload, you could choose where it would upload to. Such as /uploads/folderB. Then, everyone who has access to folderB can see them.


    So, like - let's say UserRole3 has access to FolderB and FolderC. When that role uploads, they'd be able to choose between the two (and I'm still thinkng the Attachments extension so that it can be attachd to a specific comment). But, UserRole4, they don't have access to FolderB or C, so they can't see that. They only have access to FolderF, which since there is only one folder they can upload to, they don't have an option.
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    he only thing is that only the administrators know that you can go to the uploads/ directory to see the filebrowser. haha that what i did!
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    Ok guys, i've got the filebrowser up an running. The only problem is that i'm kinda confused on how i'm going to have the settings set up. They're coming from both internal classes and from xml files outside, and then there's the problem of making a settings page to alter all the data, which is going to be annoying.

    What i'm thinking of doing is duplicating the effect the normal configurations pages have. I'll make another configuration page for the FileBrowser and then it'll hold all the main variables that'll overwrite all the other existing FileBrowser settings.

    Got any thoughts on this?
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    y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited February 2007
    EasySettings extension? and yes over right the other settings
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    let's just do a g-picasa integration, how do u think? ) actually we have a g-map already, why not adding picasa? :)
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    or use zenphoto ;)
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