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Smile: The new feature-rich Smiley-Extension



  • I was just wondering why the smilies URLs had a double forward slash // in them, like this: /vanilla//extensions/Smile/tango/face-plain.png

    Any chance of changing it to /vanilla/extensions/Smile/tango/face-plain.png ?

    Also, I've got some strange behaviour with the caret placement after inserting a smiley in IE6 (WinXP SP2). I'm not sure exactly, but it seems to shunt the caret forwards a few characters after the inserted smiley, instead of at the end of the smiley.
  • The caret?
    What are you using [-Stash-],
    a Commodore 64?
    We call it a cursor these days.

    Posted: Tuesday, 20 February 2007 at 2:27PM (AEDT)

  • good point......
  • is it possible to have the list of smilies appear above the comment input box please? in between the "whisper to..." input and the comment input. it gets a bit muddled underneath with the attachments, and comment formatting options etc
  • I would like that too! For me the prefered location would be between the Quicktags and the comment input.
  • StashStash
    edited February 2007
    WikipediaThe term caret is also sometimes used in graphical user interface terminology where it means a text insertion point indicator, frequently represented by a blinking vertical bar. In this context, it may be used interchangeably with the word cursor, although the latter term is often reserved for a mouse pointer.
    *You* might call it a cursor Wanderer, but that's what I call the "mouse pointer".
    Liking this extension a lot, great work defel. I quite like it where it is, so if you are going to allow it to go above the comment box, please could you make it an option instead of just changing it?
  • also a good point..........
  • edited February 2007
    Hey [-Stash-], Kermit appears as a thin line in Safari.
    Apparently it does not like the 25% attribute.
    That's better.

    Posted: Thursday, 22 February 2007 at 10:29AM (AEDT)

  • StashStash
    edited March 2007
    For those of you experiencing errors with PreviewPost 2.2, I've had success with the following change (perhaps SirNot can tell me if this is the wrong way to do it?)...

    In default.php, I changed line 257 from:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("post.php", "comments.php", "settings.php"))) {
    To:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("post.php", "comments.php", "settings.php")) && isset($Head)) {
    Also, carrying on from Ares comment above (#17), if you have converted from Invision Power Board 2 (specifically, this is taken from 2.2), then save this next text as IPB2.2.txt and put all the default IPB emoticons into /Smile/IPB2.2/:# smile :) :-) biggrin :D :biggrin: =D laugh :lol: :LOL: wub :wub: cool B) B-) tongue :P :-P :-p =P wink ;) ;-) happy ^_^ :happy: =) rolleyes :rolleyes: huh :huh: ohmy :o :O sad :( :-( angry :angry: :mad: >=[ >=( mellow :mellow: sleep -_- :sleep: dry <_< unsure :unsure: wacko :wacko: blink :blink: ph34r :ph34r: blush :blush: excl :!:
    Or download the RAR ;)

    You can see these icons here.
  • I am using the latest version 0.6 and the IPB2.2 icons. When ever anyone types "from" it shows: [Emoticon not found] Why would this happen??
  • @-Stash- - I also tried it on your forum and it does the same thing, so at least its not only mine!
  • StashStash
    edited February 2007
    I've amended the post above and the RAR file, I've also updated the order of the icons to something I think is a little more logical.

    Seems there are some problems with the # comments in that file, so please update to the corrected version above. Sorry for the cockup.
  • Just thought I'd share some changes I've made to Smile for myself. Obviously I'd love it if these were included in 0.7, but that's up to defel ;)


    To get this to work with PreviewPost 2.2, I changed line 257 from:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("post.php", "comments.php", "settings.php"))) {To:if (in_array($Context->SelfUrl, array("post.php", "comments.php", "settings.php")) && isset($Head)) {
    To make it more valid HTML when you have more than one set of Smileys activated at the same time (it used to have 2 identically ID's DIVs), I changed line 261 from: echo "<div id='smileyBox'>";To: echo "<div class='smileySet'>";
    And for my own semantic preference, I changed line 266 from: echo sprintf('<span class=\'smileyBox\' title=\'%s\' alt=\'%s\' onclick="insertSmile(\'%s\')">', $smiley->key, $smiley->key, $smiley->aliases[0]);To: echo sprintf('<span class=\'Smiley\' title=\'%s\' alt=\'%s\' onclick="insertSmile(\'%s\')">', $smiley->key, $smiley->key, $smiley->aliases[0]);


    If you made the 2nd change above you will need to change the CSS file from:#smileyBox img { margin: 0 5px; } To:div.smileySet img { margin: 0 2px !important; }
    The 2nd line change here is my own personal preference as I thought the smilies were too spaced out.
  • I edited the vanilla.css with the following lines:
    #Comments img { vertical-align:middle; }
    This will align the emoticons to the middle of the text. Standard the emoticons are displayed a few pixels too high.

    When you're using the little IPB icons (see above), paragraphs now show consistent line-spaces.
  • I would have thought it would be better to make this change to the Smile style.css ?
  • Yes, just add this to /Smile/style.css:img.smiley { border:0; vertical-align:middle; }works like a dream ;)
  • this extension gives this error; Warning: fopen(/home/hebel/public_html/hebel/extensions/Smile/cache_tango) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/hebel/public_html/hebel/extensions/Smile/default.php on line 131 Cant write Cache
  • The hint's in Cant write Cache. Your cache directory probably isn't writeable...
  • there is no cache directory in /extensions/Smile/ directory because there is no directory called cache in the zip file of this extension. should it be?
  • By default Smile uses /extensions/Smile/ as the cache directory, so you need to ensure that PHP has permissions to write to it. If you can't change the those permissions, try CHMODing the directory to 777 and see if that fixes it.
This discussion has been closed.