release: Camp for Vanilla



  • Only yours does it persistantly. Perhaps when you work it out you could give mark (and everyone else!) a heads up.
  • n.b. i also get a funky second border alongside the panel on the left hand side - anyone else getting this?
  • Right, fixed pageNav bug. updating Zip file now.
  • tell mark how.
  • Will do
  • you want me to add this one still? gimme a screen grab and the url an di'll do it.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    This reminds me - we've got to get a Style list going at the wiki like the extensions (And now languages) list. Anyone feel like taking that on?
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Here, I made the page, now just add your styles:
  • Jonezy > sure, url: preview:
  • /me is happy to be on 'digging through the board finding styles and adding them to the wiki' duty. if noone else is already doing it.
  • BenBen
    edited July 2005
    The tabs on the menu are slightly off for me.


    I'm not sure if it's meant to be like that (not having used BaseCamp) but it's really bugging me.
  • I agree with ben on the tabs looking slightly off, just feels out of postion... apart from that, the theme looks really nice.. good job m8y ;)
  • ok i added it to this sites style library
  • hmmm, Ben/Chimaira, give me your browsers/OS details and I'll take a look, I've tested on FF/Safari on Mac and the tabs are flush with the bottom of the top bar.
  • i'm using Firefox 1.0.6 on Windows XP, it also occurs in IE 6
  • Ok, cool, will have to take another look at the CSS - Vanilla does some strange things to layouts!
  • must say, i've never had this problem on XP with ff1.X or 2k with IE6
  • really? this geats stranger and stranger. Let me run some tests and check out the results.
  • Just did a quick browsercam test, cant see any issues on FF and IE6 on PC:
  • how odd...
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