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stupid fun. just paste

edited 2008 03 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hi... this thread is about honesty.. simply paste whatever you have there in the clipboard here as a comment. I hope it will be fun.. even if you don't want, paste plz.. right now, without checking what is there...

shall we start?:::

don't look at me like that


  • This goes into my RSS feeds... I'd much appreciated if the latest fads weren't in there. That said, if I'm the lone one, have fun.
  • Never argue with an idiot, they will bring you down to their level then beat you with experience.

    Posted: Wednesday, 21 February 2007 at 10:52AM (AEDT)

  • #r1 { color: #fff; font-size: 30px; }
    Naughty, eh?
  • RewriteEngine On
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  • NOPARADISE10 (10:14:19 PM): asssss
    y2kbug abc (10:14:54 PM): waht? y are you mad at me?
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:08 PM): cuz u told him u could
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:10 PM): u ass
    y2kbug abc (10:15:37 PM): i will i have to get it from someone
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:44 PM): no u wont cuz u lie
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:45 PM): lie
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:46 PM): lie
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:48 PM): BEAVER
    NOPARADISE10 (10:15:49 PM): BEAVER

    damn alot of honesty there to do i was hoping i had pasted some code...really surprised, i copied that this morning...
  • smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining reject_non_fqdn_recipient reject_unknown_recipient_domain permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated reject_unauth_destination check_sender_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/sender_access # check_recipient_access hash:/usr/local/etc/postfix/recipient_access reject_rbl_client reject_rbl_client permit This could get interesting...
  • mine's blank :(
  • Evidemment, c'est ce qu'a démontré Duchamp il y a presque un siècle. Mais il y a une différence entre pondre une merde et se dire artiste et pondre une oeuvre qui vivra de manière autonome sans que tu aies besoin de t'agiter derrière, voire sans prendre du tout en compte le fait que tu t'agites derrière.

    Maintenant, si tu enlèves le budget marketing d'un jeu vidéo actuel, qui ne se classe pas dans les indie games (bien que cette étiquette soit en elle-même une forme de marketing), si tu enlèves les noms de gros studios qui ont bossé desssus et les addons qui permettront de continuer à faire du fric avec, que reste-t-il ?
  • i told you it would be fun, guys. I also thought i had some code in there, when I pasted mine. Here is the second try.

    вась, забыл спросить! утром
  • ~14GB various RAR and 7z files, which luckily didn't paste in here ;)
  • I finally have something to paste - a funny video link.
  • left: 36.5em;

    @Ø: Ta première phrase collée résume assez bien mon opinion sur l'art conceptuel, même si ce n'est pas le propos.
    @crash_D.: что ты забыл спросить?
  • And one more link that a friend sent me
  • TomTesterTomTester New
    edited 2007 21

    (been researching openID in light of recent developments, AOL, Digg, etc.)
  • y2kbgy2kbg New
    edited 2007 22
    <span style="background:url('javanscript:alert(\"steve Says Zak invented FZ\");')" onMouseOver="java\nscript:alert(\"steve Says Zak invented FZ\");">Hahahahah</span>gg lol a worm i was working works i have a ajax self replicating version but this was a simple test edit: oops i forgot to take away html rendering.
  • Medium.S03E07.HDTV.XviD-NoTV.avi

    @Max_B: J'ai fait une école d'art plutôt conceptuelle et maintenant je fais des jeux vidéo... Ce que j'ai collé plus haut représente en fait très bien mes réflexions de tous les jours.
  • @Max_B: Ñ‚Ñ‹ говоришь по-русски?

    here is another one:

    Киевская студия веб-дизайна

    p.s. was checking ranking in google
  • @crash_D.: чутъ-чутъ
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