go to first page of a discussion
I've noticed something strange with my discussion page links and I'm not sure if it's unique to me or the way it should be (it doesn't seem to be the case on these forums, though)
When I am not logged into my forums and I click on a discussion, it goes to the first page (/#Item_0) but if I'm logged in and click the discussion, it jumps all the way to the end (#Item_109 or whatever) I'd like it to always go to the first page whether logged in or not (I have the DiscussionPages extension installed so if someone wants to jump to a later page, they can) I'm wondering if this has something to do with the FriendlyURLs extension I installed?
Not sure if anyone else has seen this behavior or maybe there is just a setting somewhere that I missed and it's an easy fix? Thanks :)
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Not sure if this is off by default?