Add-On Request: DiscussionImage

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
How hard would it be to add an optional IMAGE to every discussion? The idea is: 1) when creating the initial posting, an image - photo, icon, graphic (jpg, png, etc.) - could be added/uploaded, that would show up (like the Poll extension) at the top of every page for that discussion. 2) in the Discussions list, a thumbnail of the image (preferably auto-generated by GD) would appear next to each discussion title in the list, if the discussion has an image


  • not hard at all, I suspect, but then difficulty is always more a nominator of time then anything else.. :)
  • Having that capacity would enable me to use Vanilla in a couple of projects where a 'catalogue' - with lots of feedback and user interaction - is needed.
  • Having seen all the hassles with extensions that upload images, perhaps this one could allow the discussion starter to choose from a selection of available images?

    Posted: Thursday, 5 April 2007 at 3:45PM

  • icouto can u create a mockup of what it will do and how. It helps extension developers get an idea and hopefully convince them to make it.
  • pic

    Posted: Thursday, 5 April 2007 at 4:37PM

  • edited April 2007
    @Wanderer: Thank you! - yep, that would be a neat way to select previously uploaded stuff.

    Here is what I had in mind - based on my experience with the "Poll" extension:

    1) Once a new discussion is started, the user who started the discussion could go and ADD A PICTURE to the discussion:


    This, of course, would be a full-size picture, and it would appear at the top of every discussion page, like so:


    2) In the Discussions page, any discussion that has a picture, would be listed with a thumbnail of the picture next to it - like this:


    Once a discussion has a picture assigned to it, the 'Add a Picture to this Discussion' link becomes "Remove Picture" - the user only has to click it to remove it.

    Adding pictures to discussions would be a priviledge controlled via a specific permission - just like adding a Poll.

    That's what I had in mind!
  • So u can add just one pic to a discussion
  • edited April 2007
    Indeed, I need one MAIN picture for each discussion - and, most importantly, that the thumbnail of the main picture must appear on the home page, in the Discussions list. That, for me, would be the main feature of this extension - the added thumbnails on the Discussions list. I guess that if someone wants to post several pictures in a discussion - and perhaps through several postings - they perhaps can already do this using the Inline Pictures extension (I don't know for certain, because I don't use it myself).
  • edited April 2007
    This would enable some creative uses of Vanilla, such as: catalogue (basis for a Vanilla shopping-cart, perhaps?), picture gallery, perhaps even an alternative type of 'personals' site. I hope some kind-hearted programmer takes this up!... :-)
  • *bump* - no one interested?...
  • Me! I'm holding my breath for this one!

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 April 2007 at 4:46PM

  • HOw are u going to post the pic, using the img tag or an attachment
  • I would prefer a link to the images, so users may select from a list of available (pre-uploaded) images but I'm sure others would want attachments.

    Posted: Tuesday, 10 April 2007 at 5:44PM

  • edited April 2007
    From the end-user's perspective, if there were a way to upload the image from the dialogue itself, that would probably be the simplest solution. However, what would be the easiest way to do that for the developer? - if this is one of those features that would hold off development (or delay release), then even the end-users might prefer to bite the bullet, and have the add-on sooner! :-)
  • It's just that the extensions I've seen so far that upload and display images are fraught with hassles, so much so that I have avoided them like the plague. Although I am sure our Schizo Buddy would make it work ;-)

    Posted: Wednesday, 11 April 2007 at 3:17PM

  • @Schizo: are you developing this? - oooohh, I hope sooooooooo....
  • edited April 2007
    Attachments and inline images are really awesome. Perhaps all u guys need is a new user interface
  • do u want it to be category specific? do u want to pick which image becomes the discussion image or the first image should be the discussion image
  • @Schizo: wow! That interface looks awesome! In reply to your questions: 1) does it have to be category specific?: the image should belong to a discussion, not a category. To the uses I'm thinking of, there would be no need to restrict the ability to add pictures to discussions of a certain category, either, so for me there would be no need to connect anything to categories. 2) should the user be able to pick which image becomes the discussion image, or should the first image automatically become the discussion image?: being able to 'pick' the image sounds a bit more logical to me, but I guess that I would be happy with whatever solution you come up with! :-)
  • edited April 2007
    how lazy or active are ur users are they comfortable with writing this <img class="home" src="link to image"/> or not. how many images do they add to a comment, a couple or gazillion of them.
This discussion has been closed.