Blog extension 0.9.8



  • edited May 2007
    New version 0.9.5 uploaded with Drafts mode.
    Test it throughly, login as normal user and see if you can trick it to show the drafts. Right now only admins can see drafts.
  • MSB, thank you so much for this extension! It's a fantastic bit o' code, and will be used lots & lots!
  • edited May 2007
    Draft mode doesn't seem to work for me. How is a draft supposed to appear once you checked the box and saved it? In my case I see no difference. When I edit a discussion I saved as draft, the checkbox is still empty. Looks like the draft status isn't saved at all. I tried as an administrator and as a visitor: in both cases I can see the post.

    Also, as someone suggested earlier, would it be possible to show the bookmarking icons without text? It tends to destroy the layout when the window isn't very large. I wasn't able to fix this with CSS, so I'm not sure which solution is the best.
  • My bad, I've just noticed the menu in the side panel. The draft mode still doesn't work for me, though.
  • edited May 2007
    new version uploaded 0.9.8

    Zero easiest way to to not show text for the bookmarks is to empty the definitions of Digg or technorati etc

    What to test,
    Drafts should not show in search results, even if you are admin.
    Roles that are not allowed to view Dratfs should not be able to even if they manually entered the correct url. to test this. get the url of the draft post. login as normal user and paste that url in the address bar and let me know what you see.
  • edited May 2007
    it seems that in 1.0 version the blog page is not displayed by Page Manager and not recognised by Nuggets (?)

    both PM and Niggets updated
  • edited May 2007
    nothing in the Blog extension changed regarding tabs.
    it is PageManager. I cannot get PageManager to display the blog tab. even though the customs.php file has the required array for the blog. and you can see the blog in the pageManager list, just not the Menu.

    Regarding Nuggets and blog, they are working. tested it right now.
  • edited May 2007
    true, that what happens
    i created the tab by creating a new page and assigning the blog address to ti. but then it doesn't work with nuggets properly. say, the header is not displayed on all blog related pages
  • can u try the old version of pagemanager with blog and see if it works
  • i'll do that, but later, prob tomorrow
  • ok, tested it - works fine with the olf version
  • the new version doesn't change anything regarding tabs, so not sure why the new version of page manager is acting weird.
  • i noticed that the tab identifier is diffrent. in the previous version of pagemanger it is "Blog", the new one put 'news_blog'
  • the problem is with the case of the page array
    in custompages.php inside Page Manager, correct the page array to be "Blog" not "blog"
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