Vanilla Rivals (Tournaments/Clans/Ladders)

edited May 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
An all-in-one clan, ladder and tournament system. Ported from phpBB by the author.

CVS: Here (click vanillarivals folder).

Some Screenshots: (phpBB screenshots but no difference for Vanilla anyways).
Tournament Bracket Page (Double Elimination Featured)
Tournaments Page
Platform Page
Ladder Page
Ladder Standings Page
Clan Control Panel Page
Admin Control Panel Page
Clan Profile Page
Create Clan Page
Challenge Management Page

Any comments & suggestions are welcome :)


  • probably couldn't have come at a better time. check out this thread
  • This is great!

    In our Vanilla we use ThankfulPeople (modded of course) to track sign-ups in our tournaments.
  • i have no interest in it.
    But i would love to see this developed from purely coding point of view. How u will accomplish this. plus having an experienced coder is always welcomed.
  • edited April 2007
    Alright well when I get some free time this week Ill start converting my phpBB code over to an extension. Hopefully it will go well.


    Edit: @MySchizoBuddy: You can look at how I did all this by downloading it and looking at my code if you want. Extract it and go to phpbbrivals/rivals/classes/ in there is a file called tournament.php which handles the graphical brackets and stuff.
  • I'd be interested in this. If it works then I'll see if I can get a clan/community over to using it :) I already have an SQL dump of the IPB board they're currently using to mess around with as well.
  • Alright I managed to get basicly all of it working on Vanilla so far. Right now I just gotta change some queries to match Vanilla's database and edit the template files to show the right css things.

    I might beable to have a download for you guys to test tonight if I get a chance but if not then ill treat you to some screenshots :)

    Can I change this topic title to "Add-On: Vanilla Rivals (clans/ladders/tournaments)" or something similar? or do I have to have downloadable first? Not sure how extension development topics work here, sorry.

  • edited April 2007
    for testing u can just change the name of this post and post the file. Once its all done. then u have to upload it to Lussumo Addons page, by filling out a form btw curious. what made u come to Vanilla from Phpbb. word of mouth?
  • edited April 2007
    I am still going to maintain my phpBB version of it but I decided to come over to Vanilla because Iv been coding things for phpBB for 3 years or something and I just dont have the same 'feeling' for phpBB now as I did back then because of some changes. I found Vanilla when I wanted a forum/blog integration for my website ... and I like its features and ideas, its very unique, easy to use and integrate.

    And BTW, thanks for the info :).
  • why not punbb. they seems to be second most popular after phpbb. i'm one of those weirdos that have no use of vanilla at all. but am still developing for it, cause i just find it unique and fresh and i want to support it. Even though i have no use for it.
  • edited April 2007
    Naw I honestly don't like punBB that much.

    Anyways I basicly got all the files modded that I need modded to work for vanilla, I got all pages styled except for the ACP :P so I wont show you any screenshots there. I can show a nice set of tournament brackets sometime tomorrow too.

    Here is the ugly looking suckers :): View Some Screenshots

    Any comments? Thanks.
  • AIBOT, your work is truly awesome.

    is it possible to have individual participants --not only clans-- in a tournament ?
  • Aibot u should change the title of the post to something more exiting. Its not grabbing enough attention.
  • edited April 2007
    @Devective: I have already tried to come up with some way to do this but it is simply was too incompatable with the code I got to do this. You can however register a clan as your username, only solution ATM.

    @MySchizoBuddy: Alright. Good enough title?
  • man, this looks great:)
  • OT: Which WM and skin are you using? I like a lot :)
  • Its XFCE with Clearlooks Theme and Adept I think (not at my computer ATM, running off memory) & Beryl (using the Heilodor decorator package so I can use the GTK theme). Window Managaer is xfwm I think and Thunar as my file manager. Arch Linux :) going to move to Xubuntu though soon, Arch isent supporting my laptop too well, I'm tired of writing custom acpid scripts. :) :)
  • Should I add Ladders, CCP, ACP, Create Clan and Tournaments to the navbar or is that too much links o_O:?
  • edited May 2007
    Just a note ... I released it. I did a fresh install myself and it was detected in extensions, it installed fine, hopefully it will install fine for you as well but I was rushed a bit today.

    Hopefully you'll like it ... download link is on the first post of this page. CVS is up too.

    EDIT: Can I submit this to the add-ons now or should/do I have to wait?
  • AIBOT, if you think it's ready for add-ons go ahead and package it with the appropriate readme files and toss it up there. Else if you have the time you can double check by setting up another database/Vanilla installation and confirm it's stable and ready. Looking good otherwise :)
  • Hmm, anyone is welcome to test it out but I have two to-do things to do :P
    1) In the phpBB version, I use PMs to send reports about matches, approvals, pending matches etc, so I guess ill have to make my own little PM system but call it clan messages and display them in the CCP.
    2) Get rid of $board_config things. :)

    So once I do thoes two MINOR things, I'll retest and if I dont see anything wrong, ill submit. Thanks :D Comments welcome ...
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