howto set categories tab as homepage?

edited March 2007 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
This is a great project. before this i was trying to install bbPress, but it never installed successfully. then from somewhere, i found this. its perfect. all what i am stuck with is, setting the categories page as homepage of the forums. can anyone help me here? // chall3ng3r //


  • this has been discussed ...somewhere. search!
  • If he is new mini, you coud have pointed him in the right direction. There is a link to the thread regarding this issue.
  • i could have, but i'm on a handheld; things are hard enough as it is. i would have usually. atleast this way anyone with easier access who didnt realise it had been discussed could have searched for him.
  • thank you. but i didn't find the solution on the given link. is it still in discussion? or its already been done? kindly post a solution. i read all that post & comments, but there's no solution to the issue. tia, // chall3ng3r //
  • in that case I assume a solution hasnt been made - i'm sure mark will get round to it. I think a simple option imgn the admin settings which allowed you to set *any* page as 'home' would be best.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    It will be in the next revision. There is no release date for the next revision.
  • next revision. thats great. so, i gotta wait :| // chall3ng3r //
  • Did this ever happen? I'd really like to use Categories as the start page because I'm using this as a support forum for a web app where I want to users to be able to jump into one of three categories. Any info would be great. I've looked through all the posts about this and no one seems to have found a working solution. Thanks!
  • Yup, it's a config choice in v1.
  • ercatliercatli
    edited May 2006
    "I want to users to be able to jump into one of three categories". Am I missing something because I'm still new? :-) You don't need to make the categories page as your start, you just need to make a HTML page as the start (which you're already doing, rhoekmanjr). Then you simply simply go to the categories one by one and copy the URL it gives (it will be of the form "xxxxx/?CategoryID=n" - you need to copy this as each category will have a different ID No) and then paste that into your HTML as a link. I have done that - look at the bottom of this page for a single link to the forum, but you could easily do as many as you want -
  • Is it available as an option in the settings control panel or do I need to make a change in the config file?
  • edited March 2007
    i have a not so perfect extension that will do the job you you already made into an extension
  • Whats the name of it?
  • Anyone got an update on how to this?
  • As I thought - no update at all :)
  • RaizeRaize ✭✭
    Learn to appreciate what you have instead of what you don't have.
  • ah a philosopher - just what every forum needs ;-)
  • TimTim Vanilla Staff
    @Abacus I noticed you posting a lot recently. Vanilla 1 is a good forum, but all of our efforts are focused on Vanilla 2 right now. Have you considered upgrading, and benefiting from all our work, as well as improved forum assistance?

    Vanilla Forums COO [GitHub, Twitter,]

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