Max. Length for Postings

edited August 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Some of my forum members just complained that the max. length for a posting is pretty short. How many Kb's can you stuff into one?


  • edited August 2005
    Settings->Application Settings->Max characters in comments

    I think default is 5000.

    The database field can actually hold any amount of data, if I recall correctly. I think it's just a 'text' datatype.
  • Thanks - I have been looking at that setting for ten minutes. I guess not my day. I guess self hypnosis ...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    According to the MySQL documentation, the text field can hold as much data as your server's memory can handle. Keep in mind that the data will need to be transferred across the web, so keep it reasonable if you want your bandwidth to be reasonable. You never know when some dipshit is going to attack you, and if you granted a ridiculous amount of data and some guy wrote a script to continually send you insane amounts of data, it would kill your server.
  • Yeah. 5k (1 byte per character or if it's unicode then 2 or 4 then 10k or 20k respectively) should keep the bandwidth down. 5k characters is quite a lot. IIRC, an average page is about 2000 characters (including spaces). So you're talking about 2 and a half pages on a single post.

    I can't see why you'd want anything bigger than that?
  • I was posting some big stuff on my board since we're doing some game dev. I cranked the post length up to 20k, otherwise I would be cutting the post up into 3-5 posts for one main topic. Only once did I think post under that 20k and it reported as being "too long" but I think I was messing with the options at the time. A crazy idea might be to give certain roles greater posting limits the higher up in the chain they are.
  • I need to increase the max post length. We can this be reconfigured?
  • lucluc ✭✭
    This discussion is from 2005, it was about vanilla1.

    In vanilla2, it's under spam settings for the forum.
  • thanks
  • If I increase the max message size, can I then after making a lengthy post go back and change the spam control back to the reduced size without causing any problems? I would expect the database to not care. As long as I don't try to edit the large post, I should be good.
  • Yeah, that should be fine.
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