Role Icons

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Just thought I'd post it up here also (On the Wiki), as it's an extension I wouldn't mind for my forum.
The ability to add an icon or a symbol to a Role which will show up on peoples account page, on discussion and comments pages, basically anywhere their name is listed. Sort of deviantART style where they have icons for certain groups, for instance the admins have a “$� whilst normal members have “~� and so on.
So for example my name, as a member on this forum would appear as ~Chris Gwynne, however on my own forum it'd appear as $Chris Gwynne


  • I'd prefer colour coding, but yeah, same thing.
  • we have icons for roles dont we? I'm a douchebag after all. Symbols could be cool though, i am an irc bunny.
  • why not just use the icons for the role? they are already supported.
  • all that would need to really be done is reformat the container via css, and possibly reposition it's code-placement for ease-of-styling. Say next to the user-icon, behind or in front of or just off to the side before or after the name and viola, instant role icon.
  • I see his point now. If the role icon is enabled, the user icon is not. we can't MOVE code, we need to add some. tell me if I am wrong.
  • the most that would have to be added is simply copying of how the user icon is displayed maybe at most. otherwise no major changes in the code really need to be made. The only reason I suggest the shift of it's possition is just so it falls before or after the user name to keep it somewhat inline with the rest of the text up there. Otherwise it's going to fall below and after everything else.
  • Just copy it, and rename the variable. Simple. I see your point now with positioning. Can extensions do this? Do they have permission to write 'into' any file? That would be cool if there was code altering extension (strictly pro users only) thatmade slight alterations to files in the vanilla directory. Much like the filebrowser finds other files, this could look for them, present them and provide an editing environment for them. *ponders this uber extension*
  • dunno if it would be possible due to the execution order and knowing where to reach in exactly and rewrite without throwing something into a wall or breaking the application. Maybe the template idea isn't such a bad idea
  • was that last comment in regard to the 'uber extension' or the role icons? I know I got a little off track, but hey, everyone else seems to.
  • your 'uber-extension' :D I think we're gonna need more in terms of templating or being able to reach deeper into the extension function basket before we can search for and rewrite output that deeply without physically modifying code.
  • nah. get mark in here. he will be able to sort it out. There should also be some 'hands off' files, like pretty much everything in the appg folder. It would be nice to edit an extension on the fly or something. I can see a use for it anyway. This could be doubled with the permissions extension. for master users only.
  • well, with proper templating, imagine your being able to define exactly how the source code appears and what controls appear in what order. Without the need to rewrite like you're suggesting, that's simply what im attempting to convey.
  • I see... all making sense now. Get to it Lech.
  • hah, I wish I had those kinds of skills. I am just a man of millions of insane ideas on how to push the envelope and impliment new ideas via theory and prototypes. I wish I could build that kind of backbone to fit into Vanilla. I still haven't understood even 10% of the soure code yet!
  • edited August 2005
    My problem is not understanding the code, but visualising the goals. I understand MOST of the code in Vanilla, and can/ have made changes to meet my requirements without 'breaking' it. My problem is that I can't start my own projects, as I have NO idea where to begin. What would you code first. If we team up, we will be unstopable, until someone bursts our bubble.
  • to be honest i'm not sure mark knows where to begin (with the greatest respect, naturally) It appears he spends a lot of his time rewriting parts if not entire applications when he's spent a while working on them and then with an extra grain of knowledge and experience he suddenly thinks 'shit, this would have been a much better way' (Correct me if i'm wrong) Its more the grit and determination to succeed in making the best stuff out there that got vanilla where it is now i guess (obviously coupled with his somewhat impressive coding talent and some pretty interesting ideas/thought processes along the way) This is very off topic.
  • I don't know what everyone said up there ^ but her's my 2 cents on the role icon subject: I agree that there needs to be something that shows a member's role in a post, however it should not be their icon. I want my admins to have the icons they want, not an admin icon only. I vote for color identified roles, or maybe a the role in small text right under the name?
  • personally, i like how, at this point, vanilla cuts the bloat and just leaves the conversation to go as it naturally would. people wanting to establish hierachies to feel bigger on the internet is certainly common, but i liked how vanilla does not really outwaredly address the issue. the power should come from the strength of one's ideas, not a little icon.
  • *cough*
  • I also prefer the idea of color coding.
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