CVS or SVN for Vanilla project
I understand that Vanilla is released under GPL, but I am not sure how Mark wants to treat user contributions to the project.
Mark, would you be willing to set up CVS or SVN (or something else similar), so that other developers can get the latest version of the code, and make it a community effort rather than a one man band. I totally understand that this is your 'baby', and you may want to be the only one who can develop it, but, if roles were created on the CVS (using this system as an example), other developers could lend a hand and share the load.
If you still want to oversee all changes to the core code base, a patch queue could be created, the developer community reviews it and you commit it if you want, or when you think it is ready.
Other directories could then be created for public extensions and styles.
I would apprreciate feedback from mark, but I have make this a public discussion so that I can get your feedback also.
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