CVS or SVN for Vanilla project

edited January 2006 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
I understand that Vanilla is released under GPL, but I am not sure how Mark wants to treat user contributions to the project. Mark, would you be willing to set up CVS or SVN (or something else similar), so that other developers can get the latest version of the code, and make it a community effort rather than a one man band. I totally understand that this is your 'baby', and you may want to be the only one who can develop it, but, if roles were created on the CVS (using this system as an example), other developers could lend a hand and share the load. If you still want to oversee all changes to the core code base, a patch queue could be created, the developer community reviews it and you commit it if you want, or when you think it is ready. Other directories could then be created for public extensions and styles. I would apprreciate feedback from mark, but I have make this a public discussion so that I can get your feedback also.


  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    hmmm. I honestly don't know how a CVS or SVN works. I do have some big plans for the next rev, and I definitely want to handle those myself - but I really do appreciate all of the work that everyone here has been doing, and it would certainly make life easier for me if others were helping with the development as well. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not opposed to the idea - I'd just need to know more about how I could go about doing that, and I'd need to retain a lot of control at least until version 1.0 comes out. I'd also be interested to hear if people would want to get in on the development like that? I don't even know how much interest there would be.
  • I'm interested. Do you know what a cvs or svn is? If not, I can provide links. As I siad, you could retain comlete control over the core system, and other developers could submit changes for review and then inclusion (by yourself). Developers would (should) have complete control over the contributed stuff (styles/ extensions), and would be able to edit those if they wish. Developers should repect the work of other however, and not go change LARGE functionality of an extension without ther permission.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    That sounds neato. Link me, please :)
  • CVS (Current Versions System): SVN (???): Still looking. If you want to see a cvs in action, go here (, and you can see how it is used on a large scale project.
  • SVN (SubVersion): I am not so familair with this one. here is another: DARCS:
  • they are all code/ system management systems.
  • I would suggest using Subversion (SVN) because CVS is old and rickty and even the developers are saying use subversion now.
  • timc3! i didnt know you were on here! Did i link you? I was gonna otherwise. Oh well i forget these things. HI! And i had a cvs in the back of my mind but i thought it'd make most sense to put one to use at the release of version 1 as it appears mark still has a lot of stuff going through his mind about what to do with this. I think it'd definately help take some of the load off him though when it really was just down to minor bug fixes which anyone with the right knowledge could handle but they need fixing and the release candidate updating for the benefit of the users. As for interest, i know i'd love to help but i have way too little understanding of php :(
  • dudes i have used both svn and cvs and all i can say is that svn pwns basically everything.
  • Most people know subversion. And soon Sourceforge will convert to svn too.
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    svn it is, then :)
  • i have only set it up on windows... but i imagine it can't be much different
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    ugghh. I wish I had a partner in development that I could trust implicitly. No offense to all of you guys. I love all of the excellent work and support you provide to Vanilla - but I don't know most of you from Adam. No way you're getting root access on my server.
  • basically svn uses apache to allow for remote access to subversion repositories... i would think that you could install the svn packages into your server mark, then i can help with the getting it to work with apache... you need apache on windows for it to work correctly also
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    edited August 2005
    Yeah - it's not a question of understanding how to install it or use it. I'm sure I could handle it - I've just got 20 million things I'm trying to do right now. //edit
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Oh, and for the record, I've been recording bug fixes on the bugs page, and recording new "Mark Ideas" on the changelog page:
  • dude i wouldn't put this at the top of the list... it's an awesome to have for sure but i think it can wait a little while
  • mark, force sugati to learn how to code/etc. you trust him dont you? And agreed jonezy, i think it should wait for 1.0
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Hahaha - Rich has confessed that he has given up on learning new things. Seriously :)
  • I bet that'd change if some new sex positions came out...
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