I looked into SVN, and it is HEAPS better that CVS.
Drupal is moving to SVN over the next little while, so I will have to learn how to use it.
I don't think it is REALLY important, but a neat idea, so not at the top and not at the bottom. :P
For an existing CVS repository, the TortoiseCVS client for Windows makes it really easy to check-out, check-in and otherwise work with sources. I also recommend taking a look at the open-source WinMerge package for comparing (diff) files. It's great as a stand-alone app, and plugs into TortoiseCVS for quickly finding changes to code.
Hey mark, if you want, I'd be happy to set up an svn account on my box. I'll give you shell access and what not, but likewise, you're not getting root on it. I already have various repositories set up there, and plenty of bandwidth for it.
And of course, you'd have complete and total control over the repository (and who can read/write/etc).
If you're interested, drop me a line
Or...actually...let me link you the page on my Wiki that walks you through setting up a svn server!
This is done on a debian system, so apt-get was used to install the package. I then went through the httpd conf files and set everything up.
I've been trying to get an svn repository set up, but the bastard just won't work.
Vinay, I've emailed you about it .. hoping you'll be able to give some guidance.
And for the record, I haven't heard from Nathan in a week. I emailed him again this morning, but still no word.
Details to come about the svn woes...
I've then taken the latest source for vanilla and placed it in a local folder c:\applications\subversion\vanilla
I went to c:\applications\subversion and ran this command (with the following results):
C:\applications\subversion>svn import vanilla http://svn.lussumo.com/vanilla/ -m
Authentication realm: <http://svn.lussumo.com:80> Lussumo Subversion Repository
Password for 'Mark':
Authentication realm: <http://svn.lussumo.com:80> Lussumo Subversion Repository
Username: mark
Password for 'mark': **********
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/vanilla'
svn: PROPFIND of '/vanilla': 403 Forbidden (http://svn.lussumo.com)
I guess it tried to use my local system account as the default username "Mark". Which didn't work, of course. So I then used "mark" and entered the correct password. To which it threw that damn error.
On a whim I figured I'd just try to get into the repository through my web browser. I put this in the url: http://svn.lussumo.com
This time it prompted me for my username and password. I entered "mark" and my password. Then it threw me to a 403 Forbidden error. If I then go back to the http://svn.lussumo.com and refresh, I can see a vanilla folder sitting there. But if I click on it, it throws the Forbidden error again.
I would usually be markedly overenthusiastic about helping you out with anything I could, but I'm honestly a through-and-through windows user and cant tell linux permissions from grapefruits. Sorry :\
Mark, have you tried adding the "mark" user to www-data group? Also, for the web folder make sure that you have done: chmod -R "w+r"
That adds read rights to the world recursively so that we can read the web based viewer.
Oh, and the message in the apache error.log file is:
The URI does not contain the name of a repository.
I've spent the last two hours playing around with every wacky combination of urls I can in the svn_lussumo.conf file without any success. If I change it to anything other than what you see above, I get a "301 Moved Permanently" error when trying to do the import.
Got it. Had to change the Location declaration to /svn instead of /vanilla
Then I had to import using this url:
Kind of stupid, but oh well - it works.
SVN is definitely the way to go. Or if you're going to use CVS, then TortoiseCVS for sure.
For an existing CVS repository, the TortoiseCVS client for Windows makes it really easy to check-out, check-in and otherwise work with sources. I also recommend taking a look at the open-source WinMerge package for comparing (diff) files. It's great as a stand-alone app, and plugs into TortoiseCVS for quickly finding changes to code.
Hey mark, if you want, I'd be happy to set up an svn account on my box. I'll give you shell access and what not, but likewise, you're not getting root on it. I already have various repositories set up there, and plenty of bandwidth for it.
And of course, you'd have complete and total control over the repository (and who can read/write/etc).
If you're interested, drop me a line
Or...actually...let me link you the page on my Wiki that walks you through setting up a svn server!
This is done on a debian system, so apt-get was used to install the package. I then went through the httpd conf files and set everything up.
The repository is chowned to www-data:www-data
Here is my /etc/apache2/auth-files/lussumo-svn-authzfile:
# Directory specific authorization control [groups] owner = mark vanilla-developers = mark [/] @owner = rw [vanilla:/] @vanilla-developers = rw * = r
I created the /etc/apache2/auth-files/lussumo-svn-authfile for the user mark.
I created a new system account for "mark" and gave it the same password as lussumo-svn-authfile.
Here is my virtual server conf for the svn repository site (/etc/apache2/sites-available/svn_lussumo.conf): I've then taken the latest source for vanilla and placed it in a local folder c:\applications\subversion\vanilla
I went to c:\applications\subversion and ran this command (with the following results):
C:\applications\subversion>svn import vanilla http://svn.lussumo.com/vanilla/ -m "test" Authentication realm: <http://svn.lussumo.com:80> Lussumo Subversion Repository Password for 'Mark': Authentication realm: <http://svn.lussumo.com:80> Lussumo Subversion Repository Username: mark Password for 'mark': ********** svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/vanilla' svn: PROPFIND of '/vanilla': 403 Forbidden (http://svn.lussumo.com)
I guess it tried to use my local system account as the default username "Mark". Which didn't work, of course. So I then used "mark" and entered the correct password. To which it threw that damn error.
On a whim I figured I'd just try to get into the repository through my web browser. I put this in the url: http://svn.lussumo.com
It showed me an empty index.
So, I tried going to http://svn.lussumo.com/vanilla
This time it prompted me for my username and password. I entered "mark" and my password. Then it threw me to a 403 Forbidden error. If I then go back to the http://svn.lussumo.com and refresh, I can see a vanilla folder sitting there. But if I click on it, it throws the Forbidden error again.
Getting pissed off at the world in general.
hahaha. You'll get it eventually Mark.
The URI does not contain the name of a repository.
I've spent the last two hours playing around with every wacky combination of urls I can in the svn_lussumo.conf file without any success. If I change it to anything other than what you see above, I get a "301 Moved Permanently" error when trying to do the import.