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Open Sourcing our Add-Ons



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    well, I'm little bit scared of anybody making changes in "my" add-ons.
    Everybody can whenever contact me with a patch or anything and if I don't agree adding it to the code, everybody can make another add-on based on my latest version. Though I don't know how does user system on Google Code work.
    Anyway I feel much better using my own subversion repositories than third-party's one.

    So at the moment I use my own repositories which have also anonymous read-only access:
    svn:// (not yet released complete czech dictionary definitions)

    also I guess it is possible to use subversion externals to link subversion repositories so it is at least checkoutable/updatable

    @MySchizoBuddy: svn implementations in IDEs are often buggy, I recommend using svn in a command line or to use TortoiseSVN (only on windows).
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    klip the idea to have all of them in one place. not hundred different ones.
    although your more than welcome to use your own svn
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    How to upload files to Google code using TortoiseSVN
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    edited December 2007
    instead of /trunk use /extensions like below
    svn checkout vanilla-friends --username myschizobuddy
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    dinoboof would u mind if i change the directory structure
    the current one is nonstandard, i cannot checkout trunks of extensions in one command i have to do that manually for each extension
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    I set it like that so that each extension is independent from each other, so that each extension has its own branches and tags.

    What structure could we use?
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    default one
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    maybe you can make a project containing "all extensions" by linking them to the same svn server but different repository folder by svn externals. This reminds me I wanna try it, but I'm too tired right now. 1:20AM here.
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    edited December 2007
    @myschizobudy: ok. jQuery seems to do that.

    Add the trunk, branches and tag folders and put your extensions there, I will put mine when I have some time for.

    Leave the vendor and wiki folder, and leave the extension folder for now.

    About the comments... Try to always add a comment to your commit. If it's about an extension, start the comment with "MyExtension: blah blah..."
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    i spend the whole day and all i could do was add a empty folder.
    svn on mac seem to suck really bad. i cannot understand how to use them.
    gonna fire up windows and hopefully i'll be able to put my extensions on google code
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    so finally I found some time and tried svn externals and it works just nice, though I haven't tested commit changes in code of fetched parts, but I think everybody can use direct repository if needs to do changes there, if externals is not working.

    so I have different repository for each of my projects:
    svn:// svn:// svn:// I need one repository where is all of it and maybe also some other extensions not from me.

    so I followed this article

    I created empty repository svn:// with trunk in it (svn://
    then checkouted it somewhere:svn co svn:// ./vanilla_resources_from_klipthen I run svn propedit:
    svn propedit svn:externals ./vanilla_resources_from_klip
    Now it opened a system editor with empty file so I filled it by this content:
    languages/Cestina svn:// extensions/FixLanguageDefinitions svn:// extensions/ExtensionLanguageLoader svn://
    Then you have to cd ./vanilla_resources_from_klip svn update and it should fetch/checkout all repositories you set as external. Now you only svn commit -m "Added externals for my czech language add-on 'Cestina', and extensions FixLanguageDefinitions and ExtensionLanguageLoader"
    and that's it. so if I want to fetch all my stuff now, I just do:
    svn co svn:// ./vanilla_resources_from_klip
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    BTW, the "trunk/branches" scheme is not mandatory at all. SVN is just a directory tree. You can do it as it fit best your need.
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    yeah just that every one does it this way, the documentation on google code all assume trunk, that was my first stumble block, i kept looking for trunk but it wasn't there
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    apparently tortoiseSVN is able to detect the directory names. As I was committing the /tags directory it gave me a warning that I should first switch to the /branches or /trunk , and asked me to confirm that i want to commit the tags directory anyway. So apparently the names are sort of important
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    edited December 2007
    It would have warm as well if you have tried to commit to /path/to/something/tag/something
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    TomTesterTomTester New
    edited December 2007
    Note: After some bad experiences with Tortoise (slowwww PC) I'm quite pleased with RapidSVN. Check it out and see if it works for you:
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    Are all the add-ons for vanilla open source? Can they be used as part of a commercial site or product offering?
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    they are all GPL as far as I know. If you use it for commercial site and you amke changes to the code, you have to give the changes back to us.
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    Not exactly. You can do what ever you what want with them on your site, commercial or not. But if you are distributing a product using them, you have to use the same licence.
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    edited December 2007
    Also, you should ask the author how does he want to licence his add-on if he didn't state it. The ones in the Vanilla-friends repository are GPL v2; and if you put your add-on in it you should check everything is compatible with GPL. BSD-like licences are compatible.
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