Mark as read, Mark as unread

edited March 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Would be cool to have the ability to Mark a discussion as read or unread if the user wishes to read it later on or what ever... or even a whole category...? *Edit> Don't know whether this would be considered to be a add-on or feature request that could be added in next version of Vanilla?


  • edited December 2007
    This has been already discussed a couple of times:
    Mark as unread (not read) # 1
    Mark Unread # 1

    As you can see a bunch of people (including me) would be quite interested by such a feature too :)
  • I'd also be interested in this.
  • You mean mark a *single discussion* as read or unread? You don't need a "mark single discussion as read" option, just read it. "Mark single discussion as unread" would be pretty easy, you just have to erase the "UserDiscussionWatch" entry for the appropriate discussion & user.

    ... I could probably add this feature to Mark All Read Redux... though it wouldn't be so straight forward, due to the way that extension works...

    I'll put it on my to-do list, but I'm pretty busy right now, so it might be a bit before I get around to adding it.
  • this would be really awesome
    i like this idea
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