Is Vanilla going anywhere?

edited January 2008 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Haven't been here in a while, but looking through some posts all I see is add-ons being developed and the last release was October last year? Seems to have hit a stop.. Or is it just me?


  • it is just you
    every time i come on there seems to be a new addon made
    not every time
    very often

    like yesterday one was made/updated
    today another
  • I've already said about the Add-ons, I love people reading. :)

    I'm on about Vanilla core.
  • AFAIK, the main developer has handed over the reins for others to maintain and update the core. I don't think he has plans to really update Vanilla significantly. Though there have been faint whispers of Vanilla 2...
  • who whispers....
    maybe there would be that new whisper feature ....
    it would be soo cool

    it would be awesome
    vanilla 2.1.4
  • ...all I see is add-ons being developed and the last release was October last year?

    That's rather the point of Vanilla, isn't it? Plain core, users add the features they want with add-ons?
  • Mark has plans for Vanilla 2. There's just nothing decided yet. Check his blog.
  • To a certain extent squirrel, but when you have Mark talking about "Vanilla 2" at that talk is months and months ago, then it makes you wonder about the state of progress.
  • There is rather question: "where do we want Vanilla to go to?"
  • Months and months ago? This blog entry is dated from December 4th, 2007, which makes, err, less than two months ago. Maybe I would be worried if it was 2006...
  • Vanilla core seems particularly stable. I think the reason most of the development is happening on add-ons, because that is where the work needs to be done.
  • Does vanilla need to go anywhere?
  • Has everyone who wants Vanilla to go somewhere made a donation?
  • BenBen
    edited January 2008
    I'm with Mini. The Vanilla Core is perfectly stable, bug-free and extremely extensible.
    If Vanilla lacks a feature, you can make an extension and add it.

    There's nothing wrong with it at all. No need to 'go' anywhere.
  • that is true
  • Does vanilla need to go anywhere?

    Needs a Calendar Add-on...
  • Definitely needs a calendar Add-on!
  • so when did they start the calender addon?
  • edited January 2008
    I agree with much of what Mark has to say about Vanilla 2, but what would it mean for Vanilla to "go the way of social networking sites"? I admit I'm not into social networking sites, so I'm not sure what he means.
This discussion has been closed.