uh, none of the suggestions above are good ways to turn off the icons because the users will still see an option to activate the icons from their Profile page.
@dan39: Users still see an option to add an icon even if Role Icons are set. So you have exactly the same problem if you set any type of default role icon, not just a blank one.
Found it; to disable icons you need to edit the code in the 'account_identity_form.php'
ps tell me if this is bad practice but it takes the ability to add icons away so *thumbs up*
Doesn't that just insert an empty box next to everyone's name? That's not really a solution.
sheffieldbleep's idea is better, but it has minor drawbacks. The proper way to edit account_identity_form.php is to make a new theme and edit the file within that theme to remove the preference from the account page. Of course, if you already have users who've added the icon to their profile, that won't remove their icon. You'll need to edit the comments.php file in your theme as well.
Making a new theme is the best practices approach because it will make upgrading to new versions of Vanilla easier.
It is a solution as it solves the problem. It may not solve it to the extent that you imagine it should but that's not reason enough to label it as not being a solution at all.
Yeah. Whispers got taken out once but adding them as an extension slowed the thing down far too much so they went back in the core. Categories have been on the verge...
Maybe some clever person is able to make it an extension for you?
Posted: Tuesday, 29 January 2008 at 9:18PM