How do you disable user icons?



  • Putting a blank image as default is not good due to the modifications I plan for the theme. My aim was to take away the ability to choose an icon rather than disable them, perhaps I should have called the thread that. It's only a small edit in the account_identity_form.php (just delete a few lines) so I can live with that when it comes to updates. Would be great for an add-on to do the job though. I've also taken away the ability to choose an account image (edits the same file).
  • Well... I suppose I could write an extension. I'm kinda busy right now so you won't see it for a while. Are there any other takers?
  • I like graphics, a user icon and to a lesser extent, an account picture would be an essential aspect of any theme. I wouldn't spend any time on such an extension.
  • An extension to remove a bit of core coding, seems redundant.
  • As I understand it, the user icon stuffs up his theme design so he wants it gone and out, fair enough.

    He also wants the reference to the user icon removed from the account page so people don't waste their time assigning an icon then wondering why it's not showing up.

    It's a fair request given all of that, no less worthy than some of the other requests on here.

    Posted: Sunday, 3 February 2008 at 9:28AM

  • Why would it be redundant? If the core code doesn't allow the option of removing user icons then it should be added as an extension. After all, that is what extensions were designed for. Core code doesn't do something -> Create an extension to implement it. As an example the core code doesn't take into account the role priority settings when allowing users the change roles. That means anyone with the role change permission can promote themselves to Administrator and demote everyone else. I wrote an extension to fix that. Is that redundant? It doesn't remove any core coding but it certainly replaces it.
  • Thanks for the replies, I realize most people love icons/avatars pictures but lots prefer a minimalist clean look too. An extension would definitely be cool to take out those facilities even if it isn't used by many.
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