Best photo gallery script to create private Media Gallery?

3stripe3stripe ✭✭
edited December 2005 in Vanilla 1.0 Help
Hello, Just wondering if anyone can suggest the best option to use for a password-protected Media Gallery for a client... it would have galleries for each set of photos, and need to offer a lo-res, medium and large version of each image probably. Not sure if the likes of Coppermine can do this? It def. doesn't have password protection yet... and I would want to have one image, but with 3 links for the different sizes, not 3 seperate different images.... Hmmmm


  • filebrowser extension!
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited August 2005
    Hehe I thought someone would say that... but it can't have image descriptions, or have links to different sizes for each photo?

    So you would have:


    Image title

    {image here}


    Image description.

    > Download small at 72dpi > Download medium at 72dpi > Download large at 300dpi


    Might be a possible freelance programming job on offer if anyone would be up for programming this mod?
  • yeah but when i said extension. i meant like if/when filebrowser is made extensionizable. in which case it could handle descriptions and stuff.
  • doh didn't read that properly sorry ... yup.... that would be cool...
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    Password protection is easy if you're willing to go the .htaccess route. Modifying the filebrowser source wouldn't be *that* hard. The biggest task would be the descriptions, but even then you could just do something simple like have a file with the same name as the image but a .txt extension that contains the description and just load the contents when viewing that file. I personally don't know of any other filebrowsers that do that sort of thing, but I make a point of not looking at software similar to my own because I don't want to be influenced by other software - I want fresh ideas from my own mind.
  • <grumpy boss voice> well, get too it mark :P (just kidding), I want that multiple image size thing done my Mondy (my time) </grumpy boss voice>
  • Seriously, 3stripe, I can't help you out. How big do you want to software running htis to be? Does the site have to do anything else, or just a filebrowser?
  • it's just a file browser for a client to view all the photography we have done for them, organised by categories. there would be lo-res rgb jpegs of each shot, but also higher resolution cmyk images for print use etc, and a link to download each version of the image. looking again i think something like extensis portfolio might do the job -
  • another possibility - use flickr + wordpress!!!!! is a nice plugin to integrate the two. only downside is that you have to host with flickr and not on your own space. but wouldn't be too hard to set up, nice and easy to upload using the various flickr tools, and the client would just see the wordpress frontend....
  • Well, I coded something like that few years back, when I was studying PHP, it was pretty basic, used MySQL for the name, description, author and date, and small thumbnailer script (made by my coworker) to resize the original picture to thumbnail and a view image and store the original to a link on the page (originals were around 2000x3000 jpg photos). I was learning PHP at the same time, took me about 1.5 days with the help of my coworker who is a PHP guru, would have taken about 4 days without him.
  • Might be of use to some with MT.
  • oh jesus - just found out client has windows hosting.... no php think we're gonna just go with a private flickr gallery - great tagging - auto resizing to every size you can think of - upload tools - organisation tools - sorted! (only downside is you you can't style it)
  • MarkMark Vanilla Staff
    PHP can run on windows.
  • BenBen
    edited September 2005
    If you manage to get PHP running, how about this gallery app? It sits on your site and pulls the images from Flickr.
  • ben - beseku is really nice. the transitions are a bit slow but that's just my laptop i guess. i would need to bolt on some more features - just posted on your site about this!
  • Hi everyone, Maybe you should visit this one : It does everything you asked, 3stripe. The final release of the v2 will be launched very soon (the CVS switched to 1.0.0)
  • Has anyone got any more suggestions?

    I too am looking for a good piece of gallery software. Ideally I'd like it to work like flickr but be hosted on my own site.
  • Hmmm does have any answers?
  • I forgot about that site! Nice one :)
  • Well, I've been using zenphoto and it works like a charm. The next release should fix some of the missing features (eg. album/picture sorting, password protection...) but you can make it private with .htaccess as mark suggested. Oh yes, it's highly customizable as well!
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