Best photo gallery script to create private Media Gallery?



  • zenphoto is nice, but I think giginger was hinting at more of a flickr clone in terms of searching, tagging etc.... hmmm.. having spent a lot of time myself researching gallery options they're just isn't anything like this out there, which is why i resorted to just sticking with flickr
  • 3stripe is right in guessing what I wanted.

    I'm still searching in the hope that there's something out there. I'm beginning to think it's fruitless.

    I've tried searching flickr api based programmes but they still all require you to put your pictures on flickr. This is the opposite of what I want.

    I can't remember what thread I mentioned it in but I'd love it if there was a gallery where the comments were actually vanilla discussion threads. The catergories would be auto selected dependent on the photo category.

    I'm going to get a book on PHP and sit down with my friend who's got the right sort of mind and see if we can work this thing out. The flickr stuff is aesthetic really but would be oh so awesome.
  • I went and checked out zenphoto after you posted that. Its freaking awesome. I love it. Just what I have been looking for. Simple. I am working on integrating it into my WordPress blog.
  • I went and checked out zenphoto after you posted that. Its freaking awesome. I love it. Just what I have been looking for. Simple. I am working on integrating it into my WordPress blog.

    Yes, it's really something else! It has some drawbacks, but I really like the simplicity. Usually web gallery apps are filled with functions you don't actually need and they are a pain to modify to fit your own needs.

    I'm waiting for the next version of zenphoto. It should arrive somewhere around january-february next year.

    Nice to see you like it, Krak.
  • 3stripe3stripe ✭✭
    edited November 2005
    i might install zenphoto for my blog as well i think... krak, how is the wp integration going... is it complicated?
  • edited November 2005
    I'm using Zenphoto for my organization's gallery.

    Other than a lack of sorting, I have no real complaints.
  • @3stripe - Not really, took me a minute to figure it out but its not too bad... I'd suggest downloading the K2 integration theme, view the code and just modify that theme or use it to make your own... Theres only a few lines of code you need to add to to your ZP theme to get it to work. There is also a hack to get WP to log you into ZP also, but I couldn't get that to work.
  • cool, thanx krak
  • Jazzman: That picture isn't me, but I'm famous for going to our LANs and playing single player games all night. :D
  • I made some image gallery software called Plogger that may be of interest: There are solutions on the board for WP integration as well as password protection using mod_rewrite BTW, we use Vanilla for our support forum and we love it!
  • I've been checking out plogger actually. I've been impressed :)

  • does anyone know when the new version of zen photo with built in wordpress templates is coming out?
  • What new version of zen photo with built in wordpress templates?
  • That Plogger is nice. Reminds me of zenphoto, but complete. You checked that one out 3stripe/bergamot?
  • Wouldn't it be Swell if their was a filebrowser extension that allowed each member to have a private gallery? BTW, I have no idea whether that's actually what Swell is, just guessing.
  • Plogger looks pretty sweet; I'll see how long it takes to get a replacement gallery up and running.
  • I suggested some naming functionality for filebrowser a while back:
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