The Inexorable Browser, among other things...

Note: this is a random thought.
I sit here with my reasonably freshly reinstalled Mac (after I dropped a magnet on the hard drive at the beginning of the year, and then sat around for a while half heartedly trying to recover data off the old hard drive so i could send it off to apple for a replacement - until i got bored and just bought a new one twice the size) and I struggle to find applications to install. So far I have come across 2, and only 2, which I cannot live without. Even that could be reduced to one if I really wanted to: the web browser (Firefox, in this case).
For interest purposes, the second is MSN messenger - there is a browser-based version but as yet it is far from fully functional and to be honest it's appalling to use. The cynic in me may suggest that that is because it has been designed by Microsoft to work in IE. Even the client application itself I could almost live without. There are times when I either dont feel like talking to any of the people on it or it's inappropriate to do so but if I was to try and live without it full time I think I would probably start to struggle - as a time-filler, organizational, or even professional tool it can be second to few at what it does.
So here I am. I have my MSN client and my single browser window open with an array of 9 tabs providing a window into an area of my online life - 4 related to Lussumo, 2 social networks, an industry news-type site (theregister), a geek site (lifehacker), and now, following my huge data loss, google email. The latest addition to that sentence is what leaves me in this very ponderous position of just how effective and encompassing such a simple tool as a web browser has now become - as I mentioned, since I lost a seriously large chunk of data (and, infact, my life - that data has been with me for a number of years now) in the crash, and following a post on LifeHacker, I decided that I would set up a Google Apps account on my primary domain name, and route email from my other email accounts into this one box. All my mail falls in there, gets filtered automatically, filed away, and sits there waiting until I need it for some reason or another - parallel to this process the mailbox also gets checked by my phone every few minutes so I know if I need to check it. For those 2 reasons I have just decided I am not going to bother configuring my Mail client. This is a decision I am still not sure about because if it so happens that I end up somewhere with no web access and I urgently need some information from my email account then I will be unable to access it - then again that sort of situation doesnt happen very often and even if I configured Mail to use IMAP, with the fantastic UI google mail provides I'd probably still rather access it through a browser.
Of course there are other applications I could install - an office suite (though, again, that can be handled somewhat impressively by Google Docs, part of the Google Apps package), an FTP client, and so on - and I have no doubt that I may install some of these in the not too distant future, but this is almost entirely from a comfort viewpoint and not a technical one.
I lied when I said I'd only installed 2 applications, I've actually installed 3 - VMWare Fusion. Ahhh virtualisation, another wonderful buzz-word of the 'Web 2.0' era - and what a fantastic technology it is. I can sit here on my OSX 10.5 macbook, using both Windows and Linux as if they were part of the package - what's more I can pick up those virtual machines and move them around with very little difficulty and replicate my 'living' environment to within impossibly small differences wherever I choose.
I am also a big fan of Mobile Technology - I work in professional services for a managed service company which is building up a mobile division of which I am heavily integrated - we recently attended the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona where EVERYTHING is about ubiquitous high speed network access and location based services. In the direction technology is heading, and the rate it is moving, I can forsee a point at which by holding a mobile device mixed with virtualisation and hosted solutions you will be completely at home wherever you are in the world, and this both scares and excites me. I wonder if we are putting too much faith in people like Google (I say people like, I just mean Google - who else is there? Microhoo? Good luck.) but then I suppose we are just about coming full circle back to a Mainframe style environment while the whole IT world diverges and converges in ebbs and flows and it doesnt seem like such a bad concept at all.
This has been a heck of a post, almost certainly completely irrelevant to everyone, and if you're still reading then you're either bored or have impressive stamina. I'm getting quite tired now but thanks for your time. Maybe I should start a blog... in the meantime I'd certainly be interested to hear other people's views on the blurb above.
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Although I love IMAP email and Google mail is great, I still use Apple Mail extensively as it allows multiple accounts both IMAP and POP to run seemlessly.
I've never had a drive failure (touch wood, damn that's plastic, is there any wood left anywhere?) but maybe my opinion would change if I did.
Then there are games, I don't spend too much time playing games except when waiting at the airport but many entertaining offerings are now available online.
Yes do start a blog mate, I find your writing style very pleasant and well worth the time it takes to read!
Dropped a magnet on your hardrive? Raises a few questions:
1. How the hell did that happen?
2. How big/strong was the magnet? It is a common misconception that magnets have this almighty ability to kill electronics.
(Before you yell at me - magnets can kill electronics (I'm not talking screens) but it usually requires a massive magnetic field - commonly called a degausser. Your standard available magnets are not usually strong enough to cause this kind of damage.)
As for the email - I just made the switch last month to run all of my domains mail through gmail instead of my usual server. Switched flawlessly, I love it. I also go mobile. IMAP is where its at. I can check my mail at home with Thunderbird, or on the road with my phone and never miss an email. It hits both my home PC and my phone, and updates live. Even on my laptop when Im at say a hotel or something. It was a pain setting filters but once set its perfectly organized no matter where or how I check my email. With POP your limited to the client you retrieve your mail with. IMAP being stored on the server makes it perfect. Once your directory/filter structure is set your done. Dont have to redo it for every client you use. I'd highly recommend switching to gmails servers and using IMAP.
Does MSN Messenger do something not handled by Adium?
I use an external FireWire-based hard disk for backup (FW for speed over USB, even FW400 beats USB2). Make backups weekly (SuperDuper!) and have mail accounts set to delete from server when well over a week old. So if the hard disk dies I have a backup (bootable!) and can get un-backed-up mail back.
After losing about a year's worth of work a bit ago thanks to hard disk failure, now it's backup to one FW external, and to another which is essentially a mirror. I can still get smacked (no offsite backup), but I haven't reached that level of paranoia.
I still don't trust my stuff to Google, but they probably already know where it is. :P
I have not run out of space yet, but when it does, I have set it to inform me what it's deleting, I am guessing it will tell me the age of what it's going to delete not the actual filename.
If it's the latter you want and you expect it to read your mind it ain't gonna happen!
There's backing up as disaster planning and backing up for archival needs, they ain't the same thing, Time Machine is for the former use, not the latter.