The Inexorable Browser, among other things...



  • Surely you would not call them "Archival" if the older ones are systematically deleted when disk space limit is reached?
  • I may know the differences amongst versions of files edited in the past three weeks, but I won't remember which is which six months from now from date alone.
  • That depends what you define 'archival' as Wanderer.
  • An archive is less a backup and more a copy of anything kept in case it's required. It or they are specific files at a specific state or version and not updated nor overwritten but kept at that "version" for specific reasons.

    A backup is your latest version of the work which is updated as you revise it, not kept as a reference if required but in case your original goes to the great re-cycle bin in the sky by mistake or misadventure.

    Posted: Thursday, 6 March 2008 at 6:38AM

  • Ah if only unix had the undelete command...
  • *****
    i found the ad i mentioned above, it's GMX mail.
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