Vanilla and MediaTemple



  • Just saw the topic> Good to hear your issue is resolved and all.

    I've got about 18 domains I host for myself and my clients, spread out between two providers. I had a lot of my DB stuff on Dreamhost. Then Dreamhost kept going down like a dog. I switched to MT about 6 months ago and have not had any problems since. I heard a lot of horror stories about their Gridserver, but that must have been the early days: They have been rock solid for me since joining. I host 8 domains currently on their gridserver (my main/highest impact domains), including at least 3 vanilla installs (one which is Huuuuuuge, with a few thousand members:

    The only things I don't like about MT at this point are:
    1) Their web-based stats are hard to break down by Domain, unlike my other provider. I might implement google analytics just to get around that problem.
    2) No backups. It's like having sex without a condom, IMO. I back up my databases and domains weekly, but still that's really lame: I only found that out AFTER joining, of course. They say this will be fixed this quarter (perhaps a snapshot-based system like on Netapp storage? Dunno), but in any case it puts me at risk.

    If I was "big pimpin", I'd totally go Mosso, though. I'm only "Medium Pimpin" at this point. Maybe in 2 years or so.

    But for my money, MT has been rock solid for me since I made the switch half a year ago (it seems that they're mostly over whatever issues they had with their grid implementation), and I've used about 5 major hosts in the last 6 years or so (and usually keep two concurrent providers just in case one has a catastrophe).

    Good luck!

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