WordPress 2.5 Bridge



  • edited May 2008
    Did anyone get this to work? I haven't had any luck, but I'm thinking of starting over with a fresh install... Okay. I did a fresh install, and this is what's happening. I can sign in to Vanilla, but if I go to WP, I lose my logged in status. When I try to log in to the WP admin, I'm redirected to the Vanilla login (which is expected), but then after logging in, I'm brought to the Vanilla forum. In other words, I can no longer access the WP admin.
  • edited May 2008
    Sorry for this late answer. I've updated my code, you'll find it at the usual url: http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dhg8h5q9_1dmb7m967 Please, report any problem. Thanks.
  • it would be helpful if there was an official announcement when this is all sorted, for us non-coders. i have wordpress/vanilla working fine with 2.3.3, but i won't be upgrading wordpress to 2.5 until i know for sure that i can modify the scripts to handle it. with about 600 active users, i can't risk breaking the login process. thanks to all who are working on it.
  • @circuit I've tested it locally on my pc and it works fine. I think it could be better also for you to test this script locally before use it in production on your live site. Regards.
  • @mafro: It works now, your database.php config did the trick. It's slightly different from the one specified in the Wiki. Thanks! :) Ciao, Bivak.
  • edited May 2008
    OMG hooray! It works. I've only tested locally, but it seems to be pretty solid. I'm not using the login re-direct; I'll have to try that, too. Thank you mafro, micz, and everyone else. UPDATE: I can't get the login redirect to work reliably. @mafro: In your instructions, you say you "added" the redirect code to wp-login.php. Where exactly did you add it? I'm not a very sharp programmer, so maybe I put in the wrong place...
  • edited May 2008
    @Bivak: glad to hear it. Ill try to get this thread to notify me of new posts, so Ill actually know when you guys are replying.

    @juicysauce: you add this code snippet directly into the top of the wp-login.php file. The script will run upto the header() line before redirecting elsewhere. I also added and exit; statement at the end for clarity. When you say it doesn't work 'reliably' what behaviours are you seeing exactly?
  • @mafro: Thanks for the clarification on the placement of the redirect code. The problem I'm having is that I still can't seem to directly access my WP admin. If I go /wordpress/wp-admin.php, I'm redirected to the Vanilla login as expected, but then after logging in, I'm shown Vanilla's two options: You are signed in * Click here to continue to the discussions * Click here to continue to the categories In other words, I am not taken to the WP admin, which was my original destination. I can, of course, type in the address again, and I will be taken there, but that will be a bit confusing for some of my users, I think. (I'm having other problems, too. But that is my primary issue now.)
  • @juicysauce: have you made sure that your 'secret' keys all match one another? I've seen behaviour like that you've reported when keys don't match. Remember you need to have the same key in:

    * wp-config.php
    * forum/conf/settings.php
    * database: wp_options table - "secret" option.

    To clarify further your problem:
    1) You hit the front page of your site - /wordpress/ and are currently not logged in.
    2) You navigate to /wordpress/wp-admin/
    3) You should be redirected to /wordpress/forum/people.php?PageAction=SignOutNow&ReturnUrl=/wordpress/wp-admin/
    4) You enter login deets and get redirected to /wordpress/wp-admin/

    At which step does this fail?
  • edited May 2008
    Right, my secret keys all match. I cleared out my cache and started over, and here's what's happening now. (It's slightly different, but maybe it sheds light on things):

    1) I hit the front page of your site - /wordpress/ and are currently not logged in.
    2) I navigate to /wordpress/wp-admin/
    3) I am redirected to /wordpress/forum/people.php?PageAction=SignOutNow&ReturnUrl=/~username/wordpress/wp-admin/
    4) I login and get a 404 error

    I think the problem lies in the ReturnUrl parameter including my username in the path. But I don't know how to change that. (As I said before, I'm a horrible programmer. :-) )
  • Took me like an hour to figure out this mess but it now works. The problem I was having was that I could only log in with my display name. This was because mafro put this:

    $DatabaseColumns['User']['UserLogin'] = 'user_login'; $DatabaseColumns['User']['Name'] = 'display_name';

    I noticed this because instead of the forums saying started by admin as they usually did they said started by Blaenk Denum. I changed it to this:

    $DatabaseColumns['User']['Name'] = 'user_login';

    And everything worked. I wish I could use my display name Blaenk Denum on vanilla though, it's pretty weird just being 'admin' but I don't think there's a way to change the name from the default admin to something else in WordPress unless I made a new user account.
  • EDIT: Oh, wow, I didn't realize how easy it was to simply change the username through the database. I didn't do this before because I thought it'd blow up or something, but it worked :D

    I hate to break it to ya, but it just blew up...
  • I've tried to implement this a few times using Vanilla 1.1.4 and WP 2.5.1 (using my old install and fresh installs), but it's just not working for me :( The secret keys match, I'm using the right db mappings etc. What happens, is that I can use the Wordpress.Authenticator to login via Vanilla, and it will log me into Wordpress, but not into Vanilla. They're both running on the same domain, one is /blog/ and the other is /forum/, so I can't work out what the problem is. Any ideas/suggestions would be much appreciated
  • edited May 2008
    It sounds like maybe your cookie path is incorrect for Vanilla. Open your conf/settings.php and look for this line:

    $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''";
    My cookie domain is set to blank because I'm testing locally. Normally, it would be .mysite.com or www.mysite.com. A little more info can be found here:


    Hope that helps!
  • wordpress may have similar settings that need fixed. look in to it.
  • edited May 2008
    $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = '.site.com'; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/x/forum/'; ---- $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = ''; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/x/forum/'; ---- $Configuration['COOKIE_DOMAIN'] = 'www.site.com'; $Configuration['COOKIE_PATH'] = '/x/forum/'; ---- All 3 combinations have been tried, and it is still not signing me into vanilla. I'm logging in, but then not getting any confirmation messages. Just redirected to the vanilla homepage. The cookie has been set, but is not being recognised by Vanilla still. M
  • get rid of the "/x" portion of the setting, and see if that fixes it
  • Afraid that didn't work either. I ended up fixing it by: --- $forum = 'http://site.com/x/forum'; $game = 'http://site.com/x'; $this->CookiePath = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $home . '/' ); $this->SiteCookiePath = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $siteurl . '/' ); $this->ForumCookiePath = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $forum . '/' ); $this->GameCookiePath = preg_replace('|https?://[^/]+|i', '', $game . '/' ); --- Then assigning cookies for ForumCookiePath and GameCookiePath as well as the other two. Maybe not the nicest solution (having one cookie as .site.com/* would be nicest), but it works well enough for me :) M
  • edited May 2008
    Man, I'd pay $50 to someone who writes some kind of a plugin or something that makes this whole Vanilla/WP integration work. Seems like we're all close, but not quite there...

    (I'm serious about the $50, by the way.) :-)
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