WordPress 2.5 Bridge



  • edited January 2009
    Silkjaer, i've been trying to get your file to work with WP 2.7, but its not logging me into Vanilla, just WP only. I think the problem must be because WP 2.6+ has been using the following in the wp_config file instead of the older SECRET_KEY from WP 2.5: define('AUTH_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'put your unique phrase here'); Are you using an up to date wp_config file or the older 2.5 one that defines just the Secret_Key?
  • i'm about to give this ago but i'm pretty nervous. i'll be updating via twitter (@copsandrobbers) if anyone wants to give me a hand.
  • update: well, it doesn't work with wp 2.7. users are NOT signed in to vanilla. so my login stuff is basically screwed now. can anyone help me out? this is pretty urgent.
  • unfortunately, due to the lack of response over this issue and the lack of a private messaging plugin, i've thrown the towel in and gone with bbpress. i've imported all my vanilla threads and it works great with WP. thanks to those who tried. i guess some of us just need to use software that is a bit more up to date, and i really waited as long as i could for the vanilla and wordpress bridge to be fixed, but i have a feeling that support and development for the forum is slowing anyway.
  • After following all of the integration notes in this thread and using the auth file Silkjaer posted i have come fairly close to getting a working forum going. The major problem i am now having is with trying to enable extensions, they won't enable. When i click the checkbox for an extension, a dialog box pops up with an incomplete looking error message "The page at mydomain.com says:" and then the little animated gif just spins forever and nothing gets enabled. I'm guessing it might have something to do with sessions because i've also noticed that the visit counts on the profile pages of my test users and admin are not increasing at all. Has anybody else encouterd a similar problem or have a clue what could be wrong? Thanks!
  • circuit - Twitter's flaking out and won't let me follow you. Anyway. I've been using bbPress (alpha) with WordPress fine for months. I finally got around to updating bbPress and now the forum is majorly broken. I was actually starting to consider trying this whole Vanilla+WordPress thing over again... Not sure that I'm up for putting myself through this again.
  • BUMP! Really wanna get this working for 2.7....I just don't know what the secret key is now anymore, because WP uses 4 now....anyone have an advice?
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